If you are looking for a facial surgery that will rejuvenate your face and make you look younger, you generally have two options: a full facelift β€” which tightens the skin, fat and muscle around the cheeks, chin and neck β€” or a mini facelift β€” which also reduces sagging in the cheek, neck and chin area, although a smaller scale.

Since there are two options available, you may wonder why anyone would go for the mini or smaller version of the surgery.

But if you’re the right candidate for the procedure, a mini facelift can have a number of benefits. It also has a few drawbacks, which is why weighing the pros and cons of the surgery with your doctor is always a good idea.

Pro: Shorter Recovery Time

One of the main attractions when it comes to a mini facelift is the significantly reduced recovery time compared to a full facelift. 

While many patients need about two weeks to recover after a traditional facelift, plus a few more weeks of taking it easy, most patients are able to get back to their life just five to seven days after a mini facelift.

The amount of discomfort a patient feels after a mini facelift is also usually minimal. A surgeon may prescribe some pain medication to make discomfort even less noticeable. Usually, there is some bruising and swelling, but much less than there is after a traditional facelift surgery.

Con: Results Last for a Shorter Amount of Time

A big con when it comes to a mini facelift is that the results often last for a much shorter amount of time than the results for a full facelift. The results from a traditional facelift can last for a decade, or in some cases, even longer. How long the results last after a mini facelift depends on a number of factors, including the rate at which the patient ages, the skill of the surgeon who performed the procedure, and the type of procedure he or she performed. In our practice, we utilize techniques of traditional facelift techniques in order to achieve greater duration of correction.

Pro: Surgery Is Quick

Although the results don’t last as long, one positive aspect of the mini facelift is that the procedure itself doesn’t last very long. It can take several hours for a doctor to perform a full facelift. After the surgery, the patient needs time to wake up from the general anesthesia and for the grogginess from the anesthesia to wear off. In contrast, a mini facelift typically takes about an hour and a half. Most patients are given a local anesthetic and sedation, so that they’re unaware of what’s happening during the surgery but they aren’t fully out.

Con: Results Are Less Dramatic

Not only do the results from a mini facelift not last as long as the results from a full facelift, they also tend to be less dramatic. Surgeons usually recommend a mini facelift for patients who are only just beginning to show signs of aging on their face. The procedure will most likely not be very helpful for people with significant sagginess in the jowls or chin area.

Pro: Lower Cost

Mini facelifts tend to be more budget conscious, at least upfront, compared to full facelifts. Since the procedure is less involved and shorter in duration, the cost of surgeon fees and other associated fees is much less. It should be noted, however, that a mini facelift can cost more overtime. With a traditional facelift, a patient may need just a single surgery to restore a more youthful look. A mini facelift may provide the results a patient wants at first, but as those results wear off, he or she may need an additional surgery or may decide to have a traditional facelift done, which will bring the cost up quite a bit.

While a mini facelift offers plenty of advantages, it’s not a procedure to rush into. The surgery has as many risks as a full procedure, meaning that’s its important to choose an experienced facial plastic surgeon to do it. It’s also important to be in good health and have realistic expectations about the results.

At Smith Facial Plastics, Dr. Stephen Smith offers both full and mini facelift procedures. If you’re ready to weigh the pros and cons of either surgery and decide which procedure is right for you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Smith. Call 614-245-4263 for your appointment today.