To put it simply, eyelid surgery can tighten sagging and drooping skin around the eyes. Many people opt for this type of surgery for cosmetic reasons, but it can also be used to improve functionality. The surgery can improve your overall appearance and give you a more youthful look. So, if you have excess skin around your eyes, you may want to speak to our talented plastic surgeon about this procedure.
How Does Eyelid Surgery Work?
Eyelid surgery can be performed on the lower lid, upper lid or both. The process typically involves removing excess skin and fat and addressing the underlying muscles. However, the details of each procedure vary from patient to patient.
Who is a Good Candidate?
If you suffer from any of the following conditions, you may be a good candidate for eyelid surgery:
While this procedure is performed by a qualified professional, it may not fix everything. Like any other surgery, individuals should have realistic goals. Results often vary, so if you have unrealistic expectations, you might be disappointed. The procedure cannot stop aging, but it can greatly improve your overall appearance and give you a more refreshed look.
There are times when eyelid surgery may not be the best option. Our doctor will want to make sure the surgery is for you. In some cases, the procedure may be combined with another treatment in order to achieve optimal results.
Contact Us Today
If you feel that you could be a good candidate for eyelid surgery, talk to our qualified plastic surgeon at for more information. Contact us today to book an appointment at our office in .
It is understandable that you are concerned about your appearance. No doubt, you have seen for yourself how people react to you differently based on how you look. All of us have had those days when we’ve just looked phenomenal. As we go through the day, people treat us well. We’ve also had days when we’ve looked and felt horrible and people have not responded to us in kind. If you are dealing with excess skin around your eyes, it’s likely that you have more frustrating appearance days than you have positive ones. If you’re tired of trying every trick in the book, it may be time to consider eyelid surgery.
Eyelid surgery describes multiple surgical techniques that can be used to repair and restore your eyelid. While eyelid surgery can be performed to repair functional issues with the eyelids, in most cases it’s done as a cosmetic procedure.
The procedure’s focus is rejuvenating the appearance of your eyelids. The goal is to give you a more awake and revitalized look. It can help you to make aging skin, excess skin, and droopy or weak eyelids disappear. It can also aid in getting rid of those unsightly bags and wrinkles underneath your eyes that might have caused you to use so much concealer.
Depending on the severity of the condition or the factors behind the condition, some people will couple eyelid surgery with a facelift, a cheek lift, or a forehead lift. It’s important to differentiate between a brow lift and an eyelid lift. While both procedures can give you a more awake and vibrant appearance, the eyelid lift focuses solely on your eyelids, whereas the brow lift focuses on the muscles in your forehead that can also be causing your eyes to droop.
To get the most out of your eyelid lift procedure, it is a good idea for you to take the time to talk with our team. Let them explain to you how the procedure is performed and the benefits that the procedure can have for you.
To learn more about if eyelid surgery is right for you, contact us today at and schedule your consultation at our office in , .
When others in the Columbus area look at you, what do they see? There are many facial features that contribute to your appearance. The eyes are possibly the most important facial features we have. You can improve the appearance of your eyes with eyelid surgery if you feel your eyes are not saying the right thing about you.
Refresh Your Appearance with Eyelid Surgery
Over time, our skin loosens as collagen and elastin levels begin to drop. This can even happen to our eyelids, which may start to droop and make us look older than we feel.
While we all hope that we really get to know a person as opposed to just judging them by their outer appearance, we would all agree that we do make snap decisions about people based on the way they look. This underscores the importance of making sure that your appearance is saying something to others that you really want them to hear. If you feel like your eyes aren’t sending the right message about who you are, eyelid surgery may be all that you need to help you give the right idea to others. When your outer appearance finally matches the way you feel on the inside, your self-confidence will shoot up.
Is Eyelid Surgery Right for Me?
Some people wonder about the best time to undergo eyelid surgery. There is no hard and fast rule. Most patients who choose this surgery are adults who are in generally good health but are unhappy with the appearance of their upper eyelids, lower eyelids or both. Non-invasive treatments just aren’t cutting it anymore. Some people may request the surgery when they are younger if genetics are causing them to have more excess skin and sagging around their eyes than they should. However, the best way to find out if this procedure is right for you is to schedule a consultation with our plastic surgeon.
The Benefits of Eyelid Surgery
Eyelid surgery comes with many notable advantages such as long-lasting, natural-looking results, a more youthful appearance and a relatively short recovery period. If you live in the Columbus area and are interested in finding out if eyelid surgery is right for you, schedule a consultation with our trusted plastic surgeon at in . Contact us today to book your appointment and get started!
What are your eyes telling other people about you? It is interesting how our eyes can express our emotions to others. Even when we are trying to hide a certain emotion, sometimes our eyes just will not lie. However, they can also tell others something that is not true about us. For example, consider someone with sagging, tired-looking eyes. Even though they may be older, this does not necessarily mean that they feel tired or worn out. However, because of sagging skin around their eyes, that’s exactly the impression they give others. If your eyes are giving others the wrong impression of you, you may be able to benefit from eyelid surgery.
In some cases, simply getting a little bit more rest and learning to deal with stress is all that is needed to help your eyes look better. However, some people need to take more drastic steps in order to improve the appearance of their eyes. In this case, eyelid surgery may be appropriate. This procedure is one of the best ways to rejuvenate your eyes.
The first thing that you should know about eyelid surgery is that it is something that can be done on both the upper and the lower eyelids. It is used to address sagging skin, fat and unwanted tissue that has accumulated around your eyes. This is a safe procedure that has been performed thousands of times. This will give you confidence knowing that since others have had it performed and have enjoyed great results, you likely will as well.
The exact procedure involved in eyelid surgery varies from patient to patient depending on their needs. If you are only dealing with bags under your eyes, for example, you may only need the procedure on your lower eyelids. If your upper eyelids are drooping to the point that they interfere with your vision, however, upper eyelid surgery may be more appropriate. Others may prefer a combination approach. During your consultation with us, we will let you know about your options and tailor the procedure exactly to your goals and needs.
The best way for you to learn more about how you can rejuvenate your eyes with eyelid surgery is to schedule a consultation with us at . During this consultation, you will meet with our plastic surgeon, who has performed this surgery many times. We will help you determine your candidacy for the treatment and if it is right for you. This is the first step you need to take in order to enjoy a refreshed and rejuvenated look. Contact us at our office in today to schedule your first appointment and learn more.
Sagging skin around the eyes can cause more than one problem. The most obvious one is with appearance. If you have sagging skin in this area, it can make you look older than you really are. Another problem that can be caused by sagging skin is a decrease in visibility. This happens when the skin sags enough that it actually covers part of the eye.
Eyelid surgery is a method that has been in use for quite some time to tighten this loose skin. It can be done on both the upper and lower eyelids. When it is done on the upper eyelids, the excess skin that is causing the sagging can be removed. Surgery on the lower eyelids will likely involve the removal of some skin as well. The exact details of each procedure vary from patient to patient, since each individual and situation is unique.
This type of surgery is also known as blepharoplasty. Sometimes, the procedure is done along with other treatments and/or procedures that will target fine lines and wrinkles.
Both wrinkles and sagging eyelids are common parts of the aging process. With age comes loose skin. When the skin becomes loose, it wrinkles or sags. The pull of gravity can pull the upper eyelids down to where they cover part of the eyeball. It will also pull the lower eyelids away from the eyeball. This is complicated by the fact that the muscles become weaker with age, making it more difficult for them to hold the eyelids in place.
Another thing that can happen with age is fat deposits moving into the eyelids. This happens when membranes that hold these fat pockets in place become weaker. This allows the fat that was formerly in place as a cushion between the eye and the skull to move into the eyelid. The excess fat in the eyelids is frequently removed with eyelid surgery as well.
Eyelid surgery is a safe and effective way to rejuvenate your appearance. If you have sagging skin around your eyes, make an appointment at to see if eyelid surgery is right for you. Dr. Smith and his team of professionals would be happy to address whatever questions or concerns you may have as they determine if you are a good candidate for this procedure.
is located in , . Contact our office today to schedule a consultation for eyelid surgery.