There is a direct link between the way that you look and the way that you feel about yourself. When you look at yourself in the mirror, you can identify parts of your face that may not be as symmetrical as you would like them to be. It can be easy to actually fixate on those things to the point where they rob you of your joy and self-esteem. For individuals who have large or protruding ears, otoplasty is a procedure that might be able to help them get their confidence back.
Otoplasty is a surgical procedure that offers physical benefits as well as emotional benefits. This procedure can be performed on people of various ages. In many cases, it is performed on children who are dealing with bullying at school or reduced self-esteem because of the size or positioning of their ears.
What Can This Procedure Correct?
There are a number of cosmetic issues that otoplasty can correct. This is a reconstructive ear surgery that is done primarily for cosmetic reasons. Some of the deformities that it corrects include a folded ear, cauliflower ear, ears that are too small, or ears that are overly large.
What is great about this procedure is just how safe it is. In fact, it has been dubbed as one of the safest surgeries that can be performed today. When the procedure is performed on adults, they are usually only given local anesthesia and sedation.
Your Ears and Your Confidence
It is not uncommon for a person with protruding ears to face discrimination and to deal with ridicule. It can be something as simple as having others stare at you throughout the day or something more direct, such as having people tease you and make negative comments about the appearance of your ears. This can be especially problematic for children. Otoplasty can permanently correct the issues that a person has with their ears, upping their self-esteem level and giving them the confidence they want and deserve.
Are you frustrated with the appearance of your protruding ears? Do you want to do something to make your ears more attractive? If so, make sure to speak with our surgeon at in . Contact our office today to book a consultation and get started!
Otoplasty is surgery done on the external ear. It can be cosmetic or reconstructive. People can get otoplasty to change the size, shape or position of their ears, or they can have it done to repair an injury or birth defect. Both adults and children can undergo ear surgery, but many donβt know the differences between otoplasty and a procedure known as earlobe repair.
What is Ear Pinning?
Ear pinning, which is sometimes confusingly called otoplasty, is a procedure done to reposition overly prominent ears so they lie closer to the head. Most patients are children; however, adults can get the procedure done as well.
Ear pinning is an outpatient procedure, during which the surgeon may remove any excess cartilage and skin. After completing the surgery, we can use a compression dressing to keep the ears in their new locations.
What is Earlobe Repair?
Earlobe repair describes a type of otoplasty done to correct torn earlobes. Earlobes are often torn through injury or overly heavy earrings. A type of body modification called gauging can also cause torn earlobes. In gauging, the client uses tapers or plugs of increasing widths to stretch their earlobes. In some cases, people who have undergone gauging decide to have their earlobes restored to their original condition.
Earlobe repair is an outpatient procedure as well. If the doctor is treating a fresh injury, he may be able to simply put the earlobe back together using specialized techniques. Older injuries require a bit more work, as does restoring an elongated earlobe to its original size and shape. In such cases, the surgeon may have to remove some soft tissue and use it to reconstruct the ear. The procedure is entirely customized based on the patientβs wants and needs.
What is Ear Reduction?
Ear reduction is a type of otoplasty done to make the ears smaller and more proportionate. Some people have a deformity called macrotia in which the ears are significantly larger than what is considered to be normal. In ear reduction surgery, the doctor can remove excess cartilage and skin. He can work on the whole ear, the top half, or the bottom half. Again, it all depends on the unique case.
Whether you are interested in earlobe repair or some other type of otoplasty procedure, make sure to consult with us at in . Contact us today to book your appointment and learn more about your options!
Some individuals out there never even think about the appearance of their ears. They think about other parts of their appearance, but their ears are a size and position that are considered average. Other people out there would define their entire appearance based on their ears. Their ears protrude so far out or they are so large or misshapen that even if they have other attractive features, all they see are their unattractive ears. Otoplasty can help individuals who have ears that are unattractive, misshapen, or deformed.
Otoplasty is basically an umbrella term for dealing with any cosmetic issues surrounding the ears. However, it is important to note that the procedure does not affect a person’s hearing or their middle or inner ear. It is only something that is designed to help improve the appearance or change the appearance of the outer ears.
So, who is a good candidate for otoplasty? Basically, it is any person out there who has some kind of issue with their outer ear that causes them to feel unattractive. If you have ears that are very large, otoplasty can be used to reduce the size of them. If you do not have natural folds in your ears like the vast majority of people out there do, otoplasty can be used to help you. And if you have ears that stick out very far, otoplasty can be used to pin them back.
Otoplasty is often performed on children. Parents opt to have the surgery performed in order to help their children if they have some kind of deformity or abnormality with their outer ears. If a child has ears that are extremely large or that stick out very far, a parent may decide that it would be best for their child’s long-term interest if they have otoplasty performed on their child while he or she is young.
If there is something about your ears that you do not like, you can learn more about otoplasty by scheduling a consultation at in . Your ears do not have to define who you are. This simple surgery can be performed in order to help you deal with issues that are causing you to feel bad about the appearance of your ears and face. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and get started!
Most people who have undergone otoplasty are extremely satisfied with their results. They have commented on how it has improved their self-esteem and how they have noticed that others treat them in a more positive way. Children who undergo the surgery do not experience the same level of ridicule or bullying when they are in school. However, before you use otoplasty for yourself or your child, take some time to learn about some of the basics regarding this procedure.
There are different types of otoplasty that can be performed. The most common form of this surgery is pinning back the ears. Many individuals are born with ears that are very prominent and stick out far. In most cases, this is not something that a person feels proud of. Instead, it causes them to feel bad about the way they look and may cause others to have a negative reaction to them.
In addition to being used to pin back the ears, otoplasty can also be used to make the outer ear larger or smaller. It can even be used to reshape portions of the outer ear. One example would be making the earlobes larger or smaller or removing bumps or other deformities. At times, individuals are born with defects that affect their ear or they may have damage done to their ear because of trauma. This could happen during an accident or even because of an ear piercing problem.
When otoplasty is used to pin back the ears, it is commonly done when a child is young. While this surgery can definitely be performed on children, it is never too late for an adult to improve their appearance by pinning back protruding ears. We warmly invite you to schedule a consultation with us. We can discuss your overall health and your age to be sure that you are a good candidate for the surgery.
It takes a little bit of time for you to recover from the surgery. However, once you have fully healed, you may be surprised at what a positive impact it has on your life. Most people report higher levels of self-confidence and a better quality of life overall.
Talk to Dr. Smith and his team at about how otoplasty can benefit you. Our office is located in . Contact us today to schedule a consultation to learn more!
When you have something about your appearance you do not like, it can cause you to feel bad about yourself. Just think about how you feel when you wake up in the morning, you look in the mirror and you like what you see looking back at you. How do you feel? You usually have a positive outlook throughout the entire day. You feel full of energy. You feel confident enough to meet new people, try new things and take advantage of opportunities. The opposite is also true. When you feel dissatisfied with your appearance, you lose your energy and you may even feel depressed.
Many have been able to enjoy a newfound sense of confidence with otoplasty. When a person has ears that stick out very far, very small ears or ears that are very large, this is usually something about their appearance they do not like. Also, they know that others react to their misshapen or large ears in a negative way. Unfortunately, when a person has some kind of issue with their ears, they are usually not looked at in the most positive light.
Otoplasty is surgery that is designed to fix the outer part of the ear. It is always performed for cosmetic purposes. It will not affect the middle or inner ear. So, if you are interested in a surgery that is going to improve your hearing or somehow affect your hearing, otoplasty is not right for you. However, if you are interested in fixing or changing the outer part of your ear, otoplasty may be able to help you.
The great thing about using otoplasty nowadays is that there are so many different techniques and procedures that can be used to give you fantastic results. You can go from being an individual who has very large ears that stick out to being a person who has ears that are considered to be of normal size.
It is important for all otoplasty candidates to enjoy overall good health. This is going to give you the best outcome. Once we determine your candidacy for this procedure, we can explain in detail how it will be performed in order to help you reach your particular goals.
Let the team at show you how otoplasty can give you newfound confidence. Our office is located in . Contact us today to schedule a consultation for otoplasty!