After having tattoos for a while, it is common for the thrill to wear off for a lot of people. In fact, some people start to wish they had never gotten tattoos in the first place. Unfortunately, by the time that thought crosses their mind, the idea of getting rid of their tattoos brings them face-to-face with their dilemma. Of course, when everything you try fails, it is important to remember that you can always get rid of your tattoos with laser tattoo removal.
Home Remedies Don’t Work
Over the years, people have come up with all kinds of interesting home remedies to use in their attempts to getting rid of the ink laying deep beneath their epidermis. Often these home remedies involve making some kind of solution to put on your skin, lots of rubbing and scrubbing the skin over where your tattoo resides and crossing your fingers for good luck.
After all is said and done, any fading to the tattoos is typically minimal at best, if any fading takes place at all. The trouble with the ink in most tattoos is that the ink molecules can reside at varying depths in your skin. So, a remedy that can get at ink molecules closer to the surface of your skin will not typically be able to have any effect on ink that resides deeper beneath the surface layers of skin.
Laser Tattoo Removal
After you have pulled out your hair getting nowhere with home remedies, this is when it starts to become evident why people turn to laser tattoo removal to resolve this persistent problem they are facing. The advantage of using a laser is that photon energy from a laser can penetrate deep into the various layers of skin and will obliterate ink molecules on contact. This means that with each session of the laser, the ink in your tattoos will fade even more over time.
In addition, more difficult colors of ink to remove can be addressed by calibrating the laser to specific frequencies that best work to rid the skin of tattoo ink. This makes laser tattoo removal one of the most innovative approaches to getting rid of unwanted body art. If you are tired of your tattoos holding you back, and you are ready to start down the road of laser tattoo removal, then you need speak with the professionals at to learn more about the Picosure® laser. We are conveniently located in , . Contact us today to schedule your consultation!
For some people, a spontaneous tattoo seems like a good idea. Unfortunately, a number of them come to regret it. Various methods are available to remove tattoos, but some are not as effective or as safe as laser treatments. Regardless of your reasons for considering laser tattoo removal, the following information will help to explain the things you should know about the procedure.
How It Works
At , we utilize the PicoSure® laser to tackle undesired body art. This device eliminates tattoos by concentrating light and heat on the desired area, which breaks up the ink and fractures it into smaller particles that can be more manageably targeted. You may require multiple sessions to see total erasure of your tattoo; over this gradual process, the ink will grow less visible with every visit.
The PicoSure® laser’s distinction is in its name. It operates within the span of a picosecond, which is a thousand times faster than the nanosecond rate of most other laser technologies. Our laser also permeates the dermis with a greater intensity than many lasers, allowing for a lower chance of side effects. As this approach works at a greater rate of speed, this means your tattoo can typically be eradicated in fewer PicoSure® sessions by comparison.
Is It Right for You?
When you speak with our team, we will help determine whether you are a good candidate for this procedure. Your specific needs will be discussed in a prerequisite consultation, during which your health and medical history will be assessed to best determine if laser tattoo removal is right for you.
There are many reasons why people decide to remove tattoos. In any case, with modern laser tattoo removal procedures, you don’t have to endure any unwanted artwork. If your ink has worn out its welcome, don’t hesitate to contact ! We know full-well the burden of old tattoos, and we would be happy to help you wipe the slate clean with laser tattoo removal at our office in , . Contact us today to book an appointment and get started.
Why did you get the tattoo that you have? There is probably a wide range of reasons. Unfortunately, more than 40 percent of individuals who get tattoos eventually regret the tattoo. There’s a lot of reasons why a person might regret their tattoo. It could simply be that the individual, the date, the organization, or the event that they wanted to commemorate no longer shares the same meaning for them. Or it could be that the tattoo no longer looks as good now as it did when it was first applied. This is why laser tattoo removal has become so popular in Columbusand elsewhere.
Laser tattoo removal works based on the idea that tattoo ink is made from heavy metal compounds. Most tattoos are going to have things like lead, copper, and in some cases even mercury. It’s this metal that makes that tattoo “permanent.”
The particles of ink are under constant attack by your white blood cells. This is because your white blood cells see the ink as a foreign invader. However, many of the ink particles are larger than your white blood cells, and so this is why over time a tattoo may fade, but it never completely disappears.
This is where laser tattoo removal comes into the picture. What laser tattoo removal does is break down the ink particles to a point where your body can absorb them. Because high heats and fast speeds are used with the laser, the ink particles are literally broken up. Once the ink has been broken down into smaller chunks, your white blood cells are able to absorb them, and they are transmitted to your liver, where they are eventually removed from your body.
While the process might seem simple, it is something that’s going to take time. You’re likely going to need to have multiple treatment sessions at our office in Columbus. But the treatment sessions themselves are convenient and don’t take up very much of your time.
Make an appointment at in to see if laser tattoo removal can work for you. Just because you have a tattoo doesn’t mean you have to live with it forever. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation with us in Columbus!