You have a problem with one of your facial features that canβt be fixed with cosmetics. Itβs your nose. Youβre simply not happy with it. You may have nostrils that are too small or the slant of your bridge may be too sharp. You could have a hump on your nose. Your bridge could be too wide or too narrow. Perhaps your nose is tilted upward at the end. Regardless of what the problem is with the appearance of this prominent facial feature, it canβt be ignored. Itβs the first thing you notice when you look at pictures or see your reflection anywhere you go. Itβs time to make yourself feel better about the way that you look. Place yourself in the expert hands of our plastic surgeon for rhinoplasty.
Shaping Your Nose
When you work with a talented and experienced plastic surgeon who is skilled at the fine art of rhinoplasty, you can stop being disappointed with your nose. You could benefit from rhinoplasty. It all depends on what kind of change you want. The entire procedure will be customized based on your wants and needs.
What Can You Expect After Rhinoplasty?
The most important thing anyone needs to know after rhinoplasty is that healing takes time. Expect some activity restrictions. For example, you will have to avoid any heavy lifting or vigorous activity that could put pressure on your nose. It will take some time before all of the swelling has gone down. However, once you have fully recovered, you can enjoy the results of your procedure for years to come.
Talk to Our Plastic Surgeon
If you are ready to consider rhinoplasty, speak with our plastic surgeon at in . He will listen to your concerns about your nose and evaluate it. Your overall health and your health history will play a role in determining if surgery is right for you. If our surgeon is confident about surgery and thinks your goals are realistic, you could even schedule your procedure. Contact us today to book a consultation and get started!
Rhinoplasty, commonly referred to as nose reshaping surgery or a nose job, is the second most common cosmetic procedure in the world. In 2013, over 200,000 procedures were performed in the US alone. But why would someone want the procedure? For many, it is to treat a medical condition such as chronic sinusitis or difficulty breathing. If you are considering rhinoplasty in the Columbus area, you may have several questions. Today, we are going to discuss what rhinoplasty is, what to expect during surgery and help you determine if nasal reconstruction would be a good fit for you.
One of your biggest concerns, if you are considering rhinoplasty in Columbus, is most likely what to expect before, during, and after the procedure.
Before the Procedure
There are several things our doctor will ask you to do to prepare for your procedure; he will address these items during your initial consultation. Particularly, in the weeks before your procedure, you will be asked to do the following:
Day of Your Procedure
The details of your procedure will vary depending on multiple factors. Depending on whether you are undergoing an open or closed procedure, for example, there may be more or less involved.
After Your Procedure
You should know this procedure entails a recovery. It’s important to take it as easy as possible and follow our team’s instructions during this time for optimal healing and amazing results.
You may wonder if you are a good candidate for rhinoplasty in Columbus. While a licensed professional can better identify whether you are an appropriate candidate, there are fairly general guidelines for ideal recipients of this procedure.
If you think rhinoplasty in Columbus might be a good option for you, contact us today at in to schedule your initial consultation and get started!
While some people have big ears or are going bald by the day, you got stuck with the genes for a weirdly shaped, lumpy nose. Try as you might, you just cannot get used to how it looks on you. If only you could change the way your nose looks, then you might feel normal in a room full of people. Unfortunately, your nose is the single most reason why you are shy to a fault. But, all that is going to change soon. In fact, you got fed up with the way your nose looks, and you want a change to take place: a transformation to a new you with a better nose. This is why you are now considering rhinoplasty in Columbus.
When it comes to rhinoplasty surgery in Columbus, you want to take great care in choosing the right surgeon for the job. In the case of rhinoplasty, you must find a plastic surgeon who is both a great surgeon and who has an eye for the aesthetics of the nose. They should be familiar with how the nose should be balanced with the rest of your facial features. Look no further than Dr. Smith in .
While absolute perfection in facial alignment is not guaranteed in any rhinoplasty, a well-trained surgeon in Columbus like Dr. Smith should get you close to perfection. Everyone has some degree of an alignment issue, some worse than others. What you are looking for is a balance that is natural and within reason.
After the rhinoplasty is over, you should be able to appreciate the way your nose fits with the rest of your facial features. You should be able to breathe well also. Remember, your breathing function is as important as looking good.
If you are looking for a rhinoplasty surgeon in Columbus, contact us today at in to learn more and set up your first consultation.
Commonly referred to as a nose job, rhinoplasty can provide a vast range of both functional and aesthetic benefits. These procedures are performed to minimize or eliminate cosmetic issues resulting from congenital defects, impact injuries, past facial surgeries, and more. If you’re unhappy with the shape, size, or overall functionality of your nose, rhinoplasty may be used to redefine this structure.
Reshape and Refine the Nose Bridge or Tip
Rhinoplasty is frequently performed to reshape various aspects of the nose, such as the nose tip or the bridge. If you have a bulbous or pinched nose tip, this procedure can create a stronger, better defined, and more balanced structure overall. It can also correct small or oversized nostrils and uneven nostrils. For patients who have suffered impact injuries affecting the face, this procedure can remove large, noticeable bumps at the bridge resulting from breakage and improper healing.
Alleviate Common Functional Issues
In terms of the functional benefits, this procedure enables our surgeon to open or amend obstructed nasal passageways. This will, in turn, alleviate problems like mouth breathing, sleep apnea, and snoring, among many other things. When rhinoplasty is performed as a functional procedure, efforts can additionally be made at the patient’s request to improve overall nose aesthetics.
Create Better Facial Symmetry After Other Cosmetic Enhancements
Undergoing procedures that create significant changes in the overall facial structure could require alterations to the nose for ensuring continued facial symmetry and balance. For instance, people who intend to get cheek or chin implants may want to consider the benefits of also streamlining or augmenting the nose to create a seamless and natural look overall. As such, rhinoplasty is frequently paired with other procedures.
Contact Us Today to Learn More
When you look in the mirror, what do you see? If an issue with your nose causes you to be unhappy with your appearance, or if you are having trouble with the way your nose functions, it may be time to consider rhinoplasty. When performed by an experienced surgeon like Dr. Smith at , the results can be truly amazing.
is located in . Contact our office today to schedule a consultation to learn more about how rhinoplasty can benefit you!
Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures performed today. In fact, when you talk to people about cosmetic surgery, one of the first things that they will mention to you is rhinoplasty, or a nose job. Why do people want rhinoplasty? In the vast majority of cases, it is because they feel that their nose is too large for their face. They may love how their nose is shaped, but they just want that shape scaled down a little bit.
If this sounds like your situation, rhinoplasty can help. When you are considering rhinoplasty, it is good for you to jot down on a piece of paper the things that you don’t like about your nose. Write what you don’t like about your nose being big, maybe how it sits in proportion to the rest of your face. After you write down the issues that you have with your nose, rate them on a scale based on how important they are to you.
When you visit our plastic surgeon, he will discuss these issues with you, and he may also ask you questions about difficulties with breathing. This will help to give him a better idea of how exactly he can fix your nose in a way that truly satisfies you. During your consultation with our surgeon, he can also give you a good idea of what your new nose is going to look like on your face.
Reshaping a large nose with rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that requires a recovery. However, when your nose is reshaped to fit the rest of your face, it can have a huge impact on the way that you look and feel. This is because your nose is the center of your face. It is one of the first things that people notice when they look at you. And it’s one of the first things you see when you look at yourself in the mirror. If your nose is too big, it throws the rest of your face out of balance.
We invite you to make an appointment at in to get all the facts about rhinoplasty. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Smith!
When you put on a new pair of jeans, you feel like a person. Just having clothing that fits your body right, looks nice, and is stylish changes the way that you feel about yourself, and it can even change the way that you present yourself to others. If this is true when it comes to clothing, think of how true this is when it comes to something as important as your face. When people look at your face, your nose is one of the first things they see. If you feel that your nose does not fit right on your face, it is likely that you feel self-conscious and uncomfortable. You do not have to deal with a nose that is not right for you. Rhinoplasty is designed to help adjust your nose so that it fits well with your face.
What Is Rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty is commonly referred to as a nose job. It is unquestionably one of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed. People have rhinoplasty to reshape their nose because they do not like what nature gave them. Others have rhinoplasty to reshape their nose after suffering an accident or after suffering an injury.
While the majority of people have rhinoplasty for cosmetic reasons, the procedure can also be performed to correct functional issues with the nose. There is often a link between a functional problem with your nose and an aesthetic problem with your nose. People who have rhinoplasty done are surprised when they see the positive effect this procedure has on their life.
Some of the Areas Where Rhinoplasty May Improve Your Life
Many men and women alike feel that their careers and social interactions improved after receiving a nose job. On the one hand, the improvement may be due to their increased confidence because of their new look. On the other hand, the improvement may be due to the way that people see them or the way that people react to them as a result of their new look. Most likely, however, the improvements in these areas of life can be attributed to a combination of the two.
Rhinoplasty can also help restore symmetry to your face. Since your nose is right in the center of your face, just a minor defect like a bulbous tip can have a powerful impact on your appearance. Other common reasons for rhinoplasty include a desire to reduce or increase the size of the nose, adjust the angle of the nose or correct the size or shape of the nostrils.
If you are unhappy with your nose, rhinoplasty can help. Dr. Smith can be your guide towards increased confidence and higher quality of life. Join the many patients in the Columbus, OH area who have enjoyed amazing results with the services offered at . If you are interested in learning more about this procedure, call our office in to schedule your consultation with us.
A rhinoplasty procedure, more commonly called a nose job, offers you the ability to change the look and shape of your nose. It’s one of the most common surgical procedures in the United States, but not everyone requests it because they want to look better. There are several practical considerations for requesting rhinoplasty that have nothing to do with aesthetics, which is why this procedure is lauded for both its aesthetic appeal and practical applications equally.
Repair Traumatic Injury
When a nose is broken in a car accident, fight or sports mishap, it must be set to heal properly. When this is not done, the nose can heal crooked. Not only can this be unattractive, but it can also make hygiene painful. Just blowing the nose or rubbing it gently while washing can make the poorly set area ache. Even pushing the nose against the pillow inadvertently while sleeping can bring a jolt of discomfort. When the break is set properly with a rhinoplasty procedure, the aesthetics will be improved and the discomfort can be cured or greatly reduced. For those with tender noses due to a poorly healed break, being freed of the discomfort enhances quality of life considerably.
Enhance Nose Breathing for Active Lifestyles
Whether you run marathons or 5k fun-runs, swim in the pool at the gym or in the ocean, being able to breathe in and out through your nose properly is crucial in nearly all physical activities. In some sports, such as football, hockey or basketball, playing without a mouth guard or with your mouth open is dangerous. Mouth-breathing during contact sports leaves your jaw and teeth at risk of injury. If you cannot breathe in and out properly through your nose and lead an active lifestyle, rhinoplasty can solve the issue and open the airways. Not only does this make your activities more enjoyable and safe, but you’ll also likely find that your breath control gets better over time.
Better Overall Appearance
Rhinoplasty is not simply about aesthetics; there are other reasons that deal with quality of life that make this procedure appealing to a wide variety of people. Of course, it is still a great procedure if you simply are unhappy with the look of your nose. If you have a hump on the bridge of your nose, for example, this can be corrected with a rhinoplasty procedure.
Learn More About Rhinoplasty
If you are experiencing any of the above issues and are wondering if there is any way to correct it, make an appointment at in . Dr. Smith and his team would be happy to meet you, assess your needs and advise you of all your options. Contact us today to schedule a consultation for rhinoplasty!