
Fight Aging on Your Face

Wrinkles aren’t the only sign of aging on the face. As people get older, they lose fat on the face, leading to a hollowed out or more gaunt look. The aging process also changes the texture of the skin and leads to a loss of skin elasticity. While dealing with the signs of aging might seem to be just a part of getting older, it doesn’t have to be. If you want to fight back against aging, you have several options.

Add Volume to the Lips

The lips tend to lose volume and shape as people get older, which not only adds years to a person’s appearance. Thin, shapeless lips can also make you look angry or upset. Lip augmentation, using injectable fillers, is one way to restore lost volume and shape to the lips.

Although the fillers that were popular in the past tended to be made out of a collagen, today’s fillers are made from a much lighter substance, hyaluronic acid, and tend to produce softer, more natural feeling results. Hyaluronic acid isn’t likely to cause an allergic reaction and can be reversed with a second injection if a person isn’t happy with the results.

Otherwise, lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid fillers can plump up the lips for about eight months. After that time, the injections can be repeated to sustain the fuller, plumper lips.

Restore Fullness to the Cheeks

As you get older and lose fat from the face, your cheeks will start to look thinner and you might look more tired and gaunt. What better way to replace lost fat than with your body’s own fat?

Fat transfer, or lipotransfer, involves taking fat from an area of the body where it isn’t wanted, such as your thighs, hips, or belly, purifying it, then injecting it into an area that needs a boost of volume, such as the cheeks.

While there are a number of injectable fillers that can provide similar results, fat transfer has a few benefits over them. One benefit is that the injection tends to be permanent. Your body might reabsorb some of the fat over time, but for the most part, you can expect that fat that’s injected today to still be there years in the future.

Fat transfer might not be the right pick for everyone. If you don’t have much fat on other areas of the body, your surgeon might not be able to harvest enough to increase volume on your face. In that case, an injectable such as Sculptra, which restores volume over time, might be a better pick.

Improve the Texture of Your Skin

As you age, skin doesn’t naturally exfoliate itself as frequently. Dead skin cells are more likely to collect on the surface, giving you a duller appearance. Pores might start to look bigger because the dead cells are collecting inside them. Years of sun exposure can also lead to age spots.

If your main concerns are skin texture and coloring, a fractional laser treatment can be a good option for you. Fractional laser treatments help stimulate the production of collagen and exfoliate the skin, without causing damage to the outer layer. You’re able to see a more glowing and radiant face, without the long downtime required by more ablative laser treatments.

Get Rid of Sagging

Skin also tends to lose its elasticity as it gets older, leading to droopiness and sagging, particularly in the lower face, such as the jowls and neck, and in the areas around the eyes. If you’re beginning to notice jowls or what looks like a double chin or turkey neck, a facelift or a neck lift might be in the cards for you in the near future.

Surgery to tighten the skin isn’t something to rush into. There’s a bit of recovery needed, usually at a least a week off from work. You might also have to make a number of changes to your life beforehand, such as quitting smoking or avoiding certain vitamins, to minimize the risk of complications.

Whether your concern is loose skin, big pores, or a loss of volume, Dr. Stephen Smith, a board certified facial plastic surgeon with two practices in , can help you figure out the treatment that will best fight the signs of aging on your face. For more information, or to schedule your consultation with Dr. Smith, call 614-678-7180 today.

Fixing Droopy Brows

The fact is that the signs of aging don’t just add years to your appearance. Lines across your forehead and a sagging brow can also change the way people perceive your emotions. Frown lines and droopiness can make it look as though you’re scowling, even if you aren’t.

If lines and sagging in the forehead and eyebrow are starting to get to you, there are a few things you can do minimize their appearance. Whether you need surgery or not, and where, depends on what you are dealing with.

Brow Lift

brow lift is typically the go-to surgery for patients dealing with drooping brows or forehead creases. There are a few ways that a surgeon can perform the procedure. In many cases, a brow lift is performed endoscopically, meaning only a few small incisions are made and the doctor uses a small camera to help guide him as he works.

The traditional method of performing a brow or forehead lift involves making a long incision across the top of the head. Although that method is performed less frequently, it can be an appropriate option for patients with more severe sagging or creasing across the forehead.

Although an endoscopic brow lift is generally a short and simple procedure that takes less than two hours and can be performed with local anesthesia and sedation, some recovery time is needed. You might need to take between one and two weeks off from work, and you’ll want to avoid certain activities for even longer.

Eyelid Surgery

Although eyelid surgery won’t directly improve the appearance of the forehead, it can be helpful if you’re dealing with some sagging or droopiness in the area around the upper eyelids and brows. The surgery is generally recommended if you have heavy upper eyelids.

While eyelid surgery on its own won’t correct forehead creases or frown lines, it is possible for your surgeon to combine the procedure with a brow lift to create a more refreshed appearance.


Botox doesn’t just reduce the frown lines and other dynamic wrinkles on the face. It can also be injected in such a way that it helps elevate drooping brows. A Botox brow lift has a few advantages over a surgical brow lift. For one thing, it has a lower upfront cost. Botox injections typically cost a few hundred dollars, compared to a few thousand dollars for a brow lift.

There’s also a minimal recovery time after Botox and many people are able to get back to their regular activities pretty much right away. A Botox brow lift doesn’t require incisions and leaves no scars.

The trade-off is that the results you get from a Botox brow lift aren’t nearly as dramatic as the results you’d get from surgery. Botox can elevate the brows by a few millimeters while surgery can lift them a bit higher. Botox is also temporary, and results typically start to fade after about three months. You can repeat the treatment if you like the results or decide to have surgery instead, the results of which will last longer.

Fat Transfer

Fat grafting, which is the transfer of fat from one area of the body to another, can also be used to create the effect of a brow lift. The procedure can be ideal for people who still have taut and elastic skin in the forehead and brow area but who are beginning to lose volume in that area.

Typically, the fat used in fat transfer is taken from the hips, thighs or abdomen. Patients who don’t have an adequate amount of fat in those areas aren’t the best candidates for the procedure. The fat is then cleaned of any impurities before it is injected into the treatment area. Along with being used by the eyebrows, fat grafting can be used all over the face. The results are permanent, although it is possible for the body to reabsorb some of the fat over time.

Are you bothered by forehead lines or a droopy brow? Find out more about the various treatment options and discover the method that is right for you. Dr. Stephen Smith, a fourth generation facial plastic surgeon in , offers patients a variety of options for the forehead and brow area. To get more details and for a consultation, call 614-678-7180 today.

Take a Tour of Non-Surgical Options

One day, you’re looking in the mirror and a few lines and wrinkles that weren’t there yesterday have suddenly appeared on your face. Your pores seem to have doubled in size overnight or you’ve noticed a few spots that weren’t on your skin before. While you might not be ready for surgery, you aren’t stuck living with the lines, wrinkles or spots, if you’re unhappy about their appearance. Learn more about the non-surgical options available to you.

Ease Wrinkles

Wrinkles form in one of two ways. Dynamic wrinkles develop after years of repeated movements. Frowning, smiling, and lifting your eyebrows lead to creases and lines by your eyes and forehead. You could keep your face completely still for decades and still develop static wrinkles. These lines develop as your body produces less and less collagen, the protein that gives your skin structure, and less hyaluronic acid, a sugar that helps keep skin plump.

If you’re beginning to notice dynamic wrinkles, an injectable such as Botox can help reduce them. Botox injections last for around three months. During that time, the main ingredient keeps specific nerves from communicating with the muscles that cause the movement that leads to the wrinkles. Since you’re not folding or creasing your skin for several months, the wrinkles fade.

You can treat static wrinkles, on a temporary basis, with an injectable filler. While Botox blocks nerve signals, an injectable filler, such as Belotero, replenishes lost volume. Some fillers, such as Radiesse, restore volume and stimulate collagen production, providing longer lasting results.

Add Volume

A loss of volume doesn’t just lead to static wrinkles. It also makes the face look leaner and older. Volume loss typically occurs in the cheeks, but it also occurs in the lips. Certain fillers, such as Sculptra, are designed to restore lost facial volume.

Sculptra is a bit different from other injectables, not only because it is meant to add volume, not fill in lines. It works gradually and many patients need a series of injections, spaced a few months apart. The results typically appear over the course of a few months and can last for up to two years.

People who are concerned about thinning lips often consider lips injections. Usually, fillers made of hyaluronic acid are used in the lips, as the substance provides a soft, natural looking and feeling result. It’s also possible to use a patient’s own fat to increase the volume in the lips. The benefits of hyaluronic acid are that it’s relatively predictable, can be reversed if a patient doesn’t like it, and results typically last for about six months. Fat transfer is less predictable, meaning that some of that fat might be reabsorbed by the body. But, results tend to last longer and can be permanent.

Resurface the Skin

It’s not just volume loss and wrinkles that can age you. Changes in your skin’s texture can also add years to your look. There are a number of resurfacing treatments that can help improve the texture of skin by minimizing pore size, removing skin irregularities and helping to reduce lines and wrinkles.

Resurfacing treatments come in a variety of strengths and intensities. Chemical peels, for example, can be very mild in strength, providing superficial results, or very strong, providing deeper and more noticeable results. The same is true for laser skin resurfacing treatments, which can be non-ablative, meaning they don’t damage the outer layer of skin and have a shorter recovery time. Laser treatments can be ablative, too, meaning that they do cause damage, providing more dramatic results but also requiring a longer downtime.

Now that you know what non-surgical treatment options are available, the next step is to decide which options are best for you. One way to do that is to meet with a facial plastic surgeon, such as Dr. Stephen Smith. Dr. Smith will take a close look at your skin and discuss your concerns with you, before recommending treatments. It could be that you’d benefit from a filler and Botox injection, or that a resurfacing treatment, followed by an injectable, is the best option for you.

Dr. Smith is a fourth generation plastic surgeon practicing in Central . To learn about your options, call (614) 678-7180 for a consultation today.

Caring for the Neck

Turtlenecks might be on trend, but that doesn’t mean you want to wear one every single day of the year. Sometimes, you want to break out your V-neck or boatneck tops, too. But, if you’re started to notice some signs of aging in the neck area, such as loose, droopy skin, crepiness, or neck bands, you might be doing what you can to cover up. Since turtlenecks won’t be cool forever and because some days you want to give the look a rest, there are many other ways to deal with an aging neck area.

Caring for the Neck

Whether you’ve started to notice changes in the neck area or not, one of the best things you can do for it is to start giving it as much care and attention as you give your face. If you aren’t already moisturizing the area daily, get in the habit of doing so. The neck area doesn’t have as many oil glands as the face, so the skin there is going to get drier, faster.

It’s OK to use an anti-aging product designed for your face on the neck, particularly if that product also happens to contain sunscreen. Even though your neck is often shielded by clothing or scarves or by your chin, it’s still important to apply a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 everyday. Although it’s perfect fine to use a facial product on your neck, you might find that a specialized neck cream gives you even better results. Lotions and creams designed with the neck area in mind tend to be thicker and usually have a higher dose of active ingredients, making them slightly more effective.

Minimizing Bands and Wrinkles

Crepiness and drooping skin are the only changes that take place in the neck area as you age. One common sign of aging in that area is the development of so-called neck bands. These bands are created by the platysma muscle, which runs up and down the neck. As you get older, the bands are more likely to protrude from the neck. They are particularly common in women.

Although it has been approved by the FDA for use in the neck area just yet, a number of surgeons will use Botox to help minimize the appearance of those bands, at least temporarily. Just as it does when it’s injected into the brow area or to treat the crow’s feet, Botox helps relax the muscle, so that the two vertical bands are smoothed out. Typically, the treatment lasts for about three months. After that, you can repeat it as needed.

Lifting Drooping Skin

The development of jowls or sagging skin in the neck area is another common sign of aging. Caring for your skin at home or seeking out injectables won’t do much when it comes to coping with loose skin on your neck. Usually, the best option for lifting and tightening sagging skin is surgery.

You have a few options when it comes to surgical procedures. A mini facelift can be an appropriate option if you have a mild amount of droopiness. During the surgery, a surgeon makes a relatively small incision and lifts and redrapes a small amount of skin. The results might not be that dramatic, but when you’ve only got a bit of looseness, they might be all you need.

Another major benefit of a mini facelift is that the recovery time is fairly short. You might need just a couple of days at home to rest up afterwards, though some people do need a full week. Results are visible pretty much right away, too.

More sagging calls for a more involved surgery, like a full facelift. A full facelift typically involves larger incision and a more involved process of tightening the skin and muscle. Although it can correct sagging in the neck area, it also helps minimize sagging and looseness in the cheeks and other parts of the lower face.

Recovery time does take considerably longer, with many patients needing up to two full weeks off from work. But, after that, the results also tend to last much longer, with many people enjoying results for 10 years or longer.

If you’re concerned about how your neck is starting to look, one of the best things to do is to make an appointment with a facial plastic surgeon, who can give you the full details on the various treatment options available. In , Dr. Stephen Smith is a fourth generation facial plastic surgeon who offers a range of treatments to patients. To learn more about your neck and what you can do to help minimize the signs of aging on it, call 614-678-7180 for a consultation today.

What You Can Do About Your Pores

There’s a saying about your pores. You can’t live with them, you can’t live without them. You need pores on your skin to flush out sweat and oil. But, sometimes, that sweat and oil can mix with dirt and debris, and clog the pores, making them the larger. Or, in some cases, people are born with naturally large pores, which make them more likely to have skin problems and breakouts. While you don’t want to close off your pores and you can’t make them invisible, there are things you can do to make them less visible and less of an issue.

What Pores Do

The pores on your skin are the site of hair follicles. You have pores all over your body, except in the areas where you have no natural hair (such as the bottom of your feet and the palms of your hands). Along with containing a hair follicle, each pore is also connected to a sebaceous gland, which allows your body’s natural oils to be transported to the surface of the skin.

While you might be thinking “ick,” remember that you need that oil to keep your skin moisturized. It’s only when too much oil is produced that things become an issue.

Several factors influence the size of your pores. Some are just naturally larger than the rest, because they have larger connected oil glands. Some people have larger pores than others because of their genes. Finally, some external factors, such as dirt buildup and even aging, can make the pores larger.

At-Home Options

If you’re concerned about your pores or feel that they are way more visible than they used to be, there are several ways you can deal with them, both at home and with the help of a board certified facial plastic surgeon. Since clogged pores tend to look larger than unclogged pores, one of the first things you might want to do is make sure you’re using products that won’t clog your pores.

While it’s common for products designed for use on the face or other areas of skin to be non comedogenic, or non-pore-clogging, it’s still worth it to check and verify that your products are. Just look at the packaging and see if it mentions whether or not it’s non-comedogenic or whether it won’t clog pores. Usually, products that don’t cause pore issues are going to say so.

Another thing to look out for when choosing skincare products is a product that irritates your skin or leads to an increase in oil production. When a product is too-drying or irritating, your skin typically makes more oil to try and calm things down. Your body might also produce extra oil if you have naturally oily skin and are using a very creamy or very moisturizing product.

Finally, keeping your skin clean is another way to keep your pores under control from the comfort of your own home. Dirt buildup in the pores makes them bigger and can clog them. Make sure you’re using a gentle, non-irritating cleanser once or twice a day, to wash away any dirt or cosmetics.

In-Office Treatments

If daily cleansing and choosing your products with care doesn’t seem to be helping your pores, you may need to enlist the help of a facial plastic surgeon. A number of in-office treatments can help improve the look of your pores. For example, a chemical peel encourages exfoliation of the skin, removing buildup of dead skin cells which can clog your pores. Chemical peels come in a variety of strengths, too, so there is likely to be a peel that will tackle your biggest skin concerns, from uneven skin tone to enlarged pores and from fine lines and wrinkles to frequent breakouts.

Other in-office treatment options include laser skin resurfacing. Like a chemical peel, laser skin treatments exfoliate the skin, removing dead skin cells and improving the overall appearance and texture of the skin.

Dr. Stephen P. Smith is a board certified facial plastic surgeon from a long line of plastic surgeons. If you are concerned about the signs of aging on your face, particularly about the size of your pores, Dr. Smith can help you determine which treatment is best for you and can discuss the best ways to care for your skin at home. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Smith at his practice in , call (614) 678-7180 today.

Tips for More Youthful Lips – Blog

Unless you go through life never eating, smiling, or speaking, you can’t avoid moving your mouth and lips. While you really can’t skip eating or speaking, you probably wish you could skip the tiny, fine lines those activities eventually create around your lips and mouth.

Lines around your lips, sometimes called “smoker’s lines,” and more formally called “perioral lines,” are often one of the first signs of aging to appear. You might notice them when you are still in your 20s, for example. No matter how old you are though, there are a few ways to fight the lines and get lips that look more youthful.

Protect Your Lips

You know what they say – an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Protecting your lips and the area around your lips from the factors that are most likely to lead to the development of those lines can go a long way.

First, it helps to understand why people develop perioral lines in the first place. Typically, the lines form after years of repeated movements in the lip area. Along with repetitive movements, which lead to the development of creases and folds, the collagen in the area begins to break down as you get older.

Certain movements can make the lines more likely to appear, such as puckering up when you sip through a straw or pursing your lips when upset. The act of placing a cigarette between your lips and taking a drag on it on it, over and over, can also lead to the development of perioral lines, hence their nickname “smoker’s wrinkles.” The nasty ingredients in cigarettes can also break down collagen more easily, speeding up the aging process. Quitting smoking can go a long ways towards keeping the lines away.

Sun exposure also plays a big part in the development of the lines around your lips and in how youthful your actual lips look. Wearing sunscreen around the mouth on a daily basis will help shield your lip area from the effects of the sun. It’s also a good idea to wear a lip gloss or other lip product that contains sunscreen, and to reapply it throughout the day, to protect your actual lips from the sun.

Consider an Injectable

Fillers can go a long way to helping your lips and mouth area look more youthful. If you are bothered by fine lines around your lips, talk to a surgeon about using a thin hyaluronic acid filler, such as Belotero, in the area to add subtle volume and fill in the lines for up to nine months.

Botox injections might be another option to help you deal with lines around the lips. While a filler like Belotero adds volume to the area, Botox works differently. It keeps you from making the movements that lead to the development of lines and creases around the mouth, so that those lines fade for a period of time. They will most likely return once the injectable wears off and you can make the movements again, but you can also keep repeating the treatment, to keep them at bay.

Fillers are not only useful for treating the area around your lips. They can also give you more youthful looking lips by adding volume to the lip area itself. Typically, a surgeon will use a filler made of hyaluronic acid for lip augmentation. Unlike fillers made of collagen, hyaluronic acid fillers produce a soft, natural result and have a very low likelihood of causing an allergic reaction. Another option for is to use your own fat, taken from another area of the body, to add volume to the lips.

…Or a Laser

Since the breakdown of collagen is often responsible for the development of lip lines, some people might benefit from a treatment that stimulates collagen production, such as laser skin resurfacing. A non-ablative laser treatment, which doesn’t destroy the top layer of skin, is usually ideal for fine lip lines. More deeply etched lines might not respond as well to a non-ablative treatment, though.

If you are concerned about the signs of aging around your lips or are looking for a way to get fuller, more youthful lips, talk to a facial plastic surgeon, such as Dr. Stephen Smith. Dr. Smith is a fourth-generation facial plastic surgeon, with two practices in . To schedule a consultation with him, call today.

Before and After Laser Skin Resurfacing

Today’s laser skin resurfacing treatments aren’t like those of the past. Fractionated CO2 laser treatments target specific small areas of the skin, so that you get major results, without extensive wounding or a long healing process. Although fractionated laser treatments might have a shorter recovery period and might be much less uncomfortable, they are still major medical treatments. That means there are a few things you’ll want to do before and after your laser treatment to help you get ready and to help yourself heal.

Before: Check Your Health

Usually, laser treatments, including CO2 laser and pulsed dye lasers are only recommended for people in good physical health. Even if you feel healthy and don’t have a history of any medical conditions, it’s a good idea to schedule an appointment with your primary care doctor in advance, to confirm that you’re healthy enough for the treatment or to get any conditions under control for you decide to move forward with a laser treatment.

If you have certain types of infections, such as herpes (or cold sores), your doctor might want to take extra precautions to keep an outbreak from occurring after a laser treatment. You’ll most likely be given an antiviral medicine to take before the laser treatment and after to keep the virus from acting up.

Before: Schedule a Consultation

Once you’ve gotten a clean bill of health from your primary doctor, you can make an appointment for a consultation with a facial plastic surgeon. The consultation is an important step, as it provides you with more information about a laser procedure and helps you see if it’s really what you want. The consultation also helps your surgeon assess whether you’re ready for a treatment and whether what you are hoping to get out of the treatment is realistic.

During the consultation, you’ll want to discuss any medications you take or any habits you have with your surgeon. He might recommend avoiding certain medicines before treatment, such as aspirin or other blood thinners and he might recommend that you quit smoking, too.

Before and After: Protect Your Skin From the Sun

It’s best to avoid the sun in the weeks leading up to your laser skin resurfacing treatments and in the weeks after treatment. Exposure to the sun’s UV rays, even up to two months before treatment, can cause irreversible pigment changes after your laser treatment. For best results, always wear a sunscreen with an SPF of 30. Reapply the sunscreen often throughout the day and avoid spending lots of time outdoors in direct sunlight.

You’ll also want to avoid sun exposure after your treatment. The skin will be very tender while it heals. Exposure to UV rays can cause pigmentation changes or burns that are very uncomfortable. Limit your time outdoors as much as you can. Along with wearing a sunscreen, also wear a hat with a wide brim to keep the sun off of your face and a pair of sunglasses.

After: Take Enough Time Off From Work

After your laser treatment, your skin will feel a bit raw. It will most likely be red and swollen and there might be some scabbing or crusting. When you feel comfortable returning to work depends on you. It might be a good idea to request about a week off from work, just to be on the safe side. You might feel well enough to return after a day or two, or you might feel self-conscious about your appearance for a full week afterwards. It’s better to be on the safe side and to take more time off than you think you’ll need rather than to only request a day or two off and to end up wishing you’d taken a full week.

After: Take Care of the Area

Follow any instructions given by your surgeon to help your face heal as quickly as possible after treatment. He might recommend certain types of pain medications to help relieve discomfort, for example. Only take the recommended medicines as needed and avoid any medicines not specifically mentioned by your doctor.

You can use cold compresses to help bring down swelling in the face after treatment. It might also be helpful to use a lotion or moisturizing cream to help protect the healing area and to keep it hydrated. Ask your surgeon if he recommends any type of lotion or ointment for use after laser treatments. Usually, you can start wearing makeup again pretty soon after a laser treatment. Ask your doctor first, to make sure it’s OK to start using cosmetics again.

Dr. Stephen Smith, a fourth generation facial plastic surgeon in , offers two types of laser treatments at his practice’s laser center. To learn more about laser skin resurfacing and what you can do to prepare and during your recovery, call to schedule a consultation with Dr. Smith at either of his two practice locations.

Sleep Soundly After Facial Plastic Surgery

For some patients, one of the toughest things to get used to after facial plastic surgery, whether they have a facelift, brow lift or rhinoplasty, is the change in sleeping position. If you’re used to sleeping on your side or on your stomach, suddenly having to sleep on your back, with your head propped up, to help minimize swelling and prevent injury to the still-healing area, can be quite a change. While it might take a bit of getting used to, there are a few things you can do to help yourself fall fast asleep on the nights immediately following your surgery.

Try to Relax

One of the best ways to fall asleep (and stay asleep) as you recover from a facelift or other facial surgery is to take the time to relax and unwind first. Stop looking at any type of screen, whether it’s your computer, tablet, phone, or even the television, at least 30 minutes before you plan on turning in for the night. The blue light from screens can lower your melatonin levels and make falling asleep more difficult.

Along with cutting down on screen time, you might to rethink the activities you do right before bed. Spending a few minutes meditating or taking deep breaths can help your body unwind, as can reading a light novel or magazine. Soaking in a tub of warm water can also help you relax and prepare for sleep. Just make sure you follow your surgeon’s instructions when it comes to getting your face wet.

If you regularly consume a lot of caffeine, you might want to cut back to help yourself sleep after facial plastic surgery. Instead of having a cup of coffee in the hours before bed, try a cup of herbal tea. You can also try a classic trick parents have used on children for years and try drinking a glass of warmed milk before you head up to bed.

Make Your Bedroom a Sanctuary

If you have trouble falling asleep under normal circumstances, it might be that your bedroom is partly to blame. It’s usually recommended that you limit the number of activities that take place the bed. If you’re using it as a family gathering room, a work room, and a place for sleeping, it’s easy for wires to get crossed and for you to have trouble getting a good night’s sleep. Move the laptop and TV out of the room and ask your family not to congregate in there (that’s what living rooms are designed for).

It could also be that the decor of your room is too stimulating, making it hard to fall asleep. If there’s a lot of bold color or vibrant patterns in your bedroom, consider replacing them with more neutral or toned down shades, before your surgery, if possible.

Invest in Pillows

A good pillow can make the difference between a night spent wide awake and a peaceful night’s sleep. It can be helpful to invest in special pillows to help you sleep after your procedure. A wedge shaped pillow will give you enough support and will keep your head elevated, minimizing swelling and discomfort.

Pillows can also help you stay still throughout the night, which is important when you’re recovering from rhinoplasty. You don’t want to roll over onto your side or stomach and bump your nose in the process. When you climb into bed every night, position pillows along either side of your body, to keep yourself in place and prevent any tossing or turning.

Make Yourself Comfortable

Several factors can affect how comfortable you feel at night and how well your sleep. The first is how much pain you are dealing with. While pain after surgery is usually minimal, it can make sleeping difficult during the first few days after a procedure. If that is the case for you, taking a pain reliever prescribed by your surgeon can help bring down the pain and help you get to sleep.

The temperature of the room also affects your comfort level. If it’s really hot in there, no one will get a good night’s sleep. Make sure you run the air conditioning at night during the hot months and don’t be afraid to keep it very cool. You might see a bump in your energy bill, but it’ll be worth it if you’re able to get six to eight hours of sleep instead of lying restlessly awake at night.

Dr. Stephen P. Smith, a fourth generation facial plastic surgeon in , wishes a comfortable recovery for all of his patients. If you have questions about your recovery or want to learn more about a specific facial plastic surgery, call to schedule a consultation with Dr. Smith at one of his two practices today.

Quick Ways to Look More Youthful This Summer

Now that summer is here, the brighter sunlight and longer hours of daylight might have you taking a closer look at yourself in the mirror. You might have a series of parties and events planned for the season that cause you to be more critical of your appearance or you might want to look at youthful and refreshed as possible before you head off on a vacation.

You might not have the time to set aside for a rejuvenating surgical procedure this summer, but odd are likely that you have time for a short, minimally invasive procedure to take a few years off of your appearance. No matter where your main area of concern is, there are several quick ways to get a refreshed appearance this season.


Years of furrowing your brows or squinting can lead to lines between the brows or at the corners of your eyes. Those lines can make you look angry, sad or even just years older than you are. Fortunately, a relatively quick way to treat those lines has been around for years now. Botox injections will temporarily erase the lines between your eyebrows or the crow’s feet at the corners of your eyes.

While the injections themselves take just a few minutes, it does take about a week for the results of the treatment to appear. After that, results last for about three months. If you have Botox performed at the beginning of summer, you can enjoy the entire season without worrying about whether your frown lines or crow’s feet are adding years to your appearance.

There might be some swelling or redness right after the injection, and you’ll want to be careful to keep your head up in the hours following the treatment, so that the Botox doesn’t travel to another area or cause complications, but for the most part, you’ll be able to get back to your normal life immediately after the injection.

Chemical Peels

Perhaps you want a treatment that gives your entire face a refreshed appearance. If so, a chemical peel might be a good option for you. A peel is designed to treat a wide range of skin concerns, from fine lines and wrinkles to acne scarring. It can help reduce hyperpigmentation or age spots and can improve the texture of sun damaged skin.

Peels come in a variety of strengths, too. A very mild or superficial peel might be the best option for you if you want something that will correct minimal damage or minimal signs of aging and that has a minimal amount of downtime.

One downside of a peel in the summertime is that you do need to limit sun exposure afterwards. For that reason, it’s probably not a good idea to schedule a chemical peel of any strength right before a trip to the beach or other sunny location.


Botox injections can help minimize lines created by constant movements over the years. Injectable fillers, such as Belotero, Restylane or Juvederm, can help minimize the rest of the lines on your face. Fillers made from hyaluronic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite, such as Radiesse, work by adding volume to the area beneath the skin.

Like Botox, the treatment process is quick and many people are able to go back to their regular lives immediately. Unlike Botox, most fillers provide instant results, so you don’t have to wait a week or so to see what you’re going to get from the treatment. The results from many injectable fillers also tend to last for longer than the results from Botox. Your results might last from anywhere from six months to more than a year, depending on the brand of filler and the main ingredient.

Lip Augmentation

One sign of aging you might not think about as much as lines, wrinkles and discoloration is a loss of volume in the lip area. If your lips are getting thinner with age, you do have options, though. Many injectable fillers can also be used to add volume to the lips, so that you can get a plumper pout for the summer.

Lip augmentation using a hyaluronic acid filler has several benefits. The treatment is pretty quick, the side effects and downtime are minimal, and the results can be undone if you think your lips are too full. The treatment isn’t permanent, and usually lasts around six months, at which point you can have it repeated if you like the new volume in your lips.

Fourth generation facial plastic surgeon Dr. Stephen Smith offers a variety of non-surgical, minimally invasive treatments at his practice. If you’d like to get a more refreshed or youthful look just in time for the summer season, talk to Dr. Smith at either of his two practice locations. Call for a consultation at the practice in , . To schedule an appointment in Columbus, , call 614-678-7180 today.

Are You Ready for a Facelift?

Back when you were in your 20s or 30s, a facelift might not have been something you ever saw yourself considering. But, as you get older, and notice signs of sagging and wrinkles on your face, you might be more likely to consider surgery, especially if you have friends who are talking about their success with surgery or their desire to have facial plastic surgery.

Determining if you’re ready for a facelift involves more than just looking at your face in the mirror or confirming that you’ve reached a certain age. Whether you’re ready for facial plastic surgery or not depends on many factors, some of them physical, some of them emotional. Your surgeon can help you decide if the procedure is appropriate for you, or if other options are a better fit at the moment.

What are Your Goals?

Understanding what you hope to get out of the surgery and what your goals are is the first step to figuring out whether or not a facelift is the right move at the moment. Your goals can be physical, mental and emotional. No matter what they are, what is important is that they are realistic. For example, you might be thinking about a facelift because you are hoping it will make you feel the way you did at 30.

While the surgery will take a few years off of your appearance, it won’t bring you back to a more youthful time in your life. You’ll still think and feel the way you do now, whether you’re 45 or 60.

The driving reason behind your surgery also plays a big part in whether or not you’re ready for it. Think about who you are have the procedure for. Are you doing it because it’s something you want to do? Or, are you doing it because you are having problems with your relationship and you hope that looking younger will solve them? Are you thinking about a facelift because you hope to land a promotion at work? The surgery can turn back time in turns of your looks, but it won’t repair your relationship or lead to automatic advancement at your job.

Finally, it’s worth it to think of what your goals are when it comes to your physical appearance. During a consultation, your surgeon will give you a realistic idea of what the surgery will change about your appearance. For example, it can make you look refreshed and smooth sagging skin. But, it won’t give you the face of a celebrity or completely change your facial structure.

How’s Your Health?

Generally, people considering facelifts need to be in good health. If you have any long term medical issues or have habits, such as smoking or drinking, that interfere with your health, your surgeon will most likely advise you to wait until any conditions are under control or until you’ve quit smoking for a certain amount time before having surgery. Even if you feel completely fine and have no history of illness, it’s a good idea to have your primary care doctor perform a full check-up before you schedule a consultation with a surgeon, just to make sure everything is in good order.

What’s Going on With Your Skin?

Your expectations are realistic and you’ve been given a clean bill of health. Next up is to make sure the type of aging you have makes you a good candidate for the surgery. To be a candidate for a facelift, you should have some looseness or sagging in the lower part of your face, by the cheeks and chin. If your primary concerns or wrinkles are in the upper part of the face, a procedure such as a browlift might be a better option. If you just have a mild amount of looseness in the lower area of the face, a mini facelift can be a more appropriate pick.

If you are more concerned with the color or texture of your skin, a non-surgical procedure, such as laser skin resurfacing, might be more appropriate. While a facelift will smooth your lines and wrinkles and remove sagging, it won’t even out skin tone or reduce the appearance of your pores.

Do You Understand the Risks?

Knowing any potential complications and understanding what the recovery period will be like are two more considerations when deciding if you are ready for a facelift. While any risks can be rare and can be minimized by following the instructions given by your surgeon, it’s still important that you understand what they are.

Part of understanding the risks and potential complications is understanding the recovery process. If you know what could go wrong, you’re more likely to understand the importance of taking it easy during recovery and of avoiding certain activities, such as exercising or even going to work for a few days. Being ready for a facelift means being ready to set aside a week or two afterwards to relax and recover, before going back to work.

Dr. StephenSmith, a fourth generation facial plastic surgeon in , is available to help you decide if you’re ready for a facelift. Dr. Smith can give you the full details on what the surgery entails and help you determine if your expectations are realistic. Dr. Smith has two practice locations in the state. For a consultation at the practice in , , call . To schedule an appointment in Columbus, , call 614-678-7180 today.

Smith Facial Plastics

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