
Pin Back Protruding Ears with Otoplasty

Most people who have undergone otoplasty are extremely satisfied with their results. They have commented on how it has improved their self-esteem and how they have noticed that others treat them in a more positive way. Children who undergo the surgery do not experience the same level of ridicule or bullying when they are in school. However, before you use otoplasty for yourself or your child, take some time to learn about some of the basics regarding this procedure.

There are different types of otoplasty that can be performed. The most common form of this surgery is pinning back the ears. Many individuals are born with ears that are very prominent and stick out far. In most cases, this is not something that a person feels proud of. Instead, it causes them to feel bad about the way they look and may cause others to have a negative reaction to them.

In addition to being used to pin back the ears, otoplasty can also be used to make the outer ear larger or smaller. It can even be used to reshape portions of the outer ear. One example would be making the earlobes larger or smaller or removing bumps or other deformities. At times, individuals are born with defects that affect their ear or they may have damage done to their ear because of trauma. This could happen during an accident or even because of an ear piercing problem.

When otoplasty is used to pin back the ears, it is commonly done when a child is young. While this surgery can definitely be performed on children, it is never too late for an adult to improve their appearance by pinning back protruding ears. We warmly invite you to schedule a consultation with us. We can discuss your overall health and your age to be sure that you are a good candidate for the surgery.

It takes a little bit of time for you to recover from the surgery. However, once you have fully healed, you may be surprised at what a positive impact it has on your life. Most people report higher levels of self-confidence and a better quality of life overall.

Talk to Dr. Smith and his team at  about how otoplasty can benefit you. Our office is located in . Contact us today to schedule a consultation to learn more!

Cosmetic Benefits of a Facelift

The Internet is full of before and after photographs of individuals who have had a facelift performed. It is nice to look at these photographs because, in the vast majority of them, you can see a marked improvement in the appearance of the patient who had the facelift. When you look at someone who has undergone this procedure, you know that they look younger and better. However, it can be difficult to identify what exactly they had done or what it is about their face that has changed. That’s the beauty of this tried and true procedure.

A facelift is designed to enhance a person’s natural beauty and revive their youthful appearance. People who have had a good facelift generally love how the procedure allows their inner personality, which is often a lot younger than what their external appearance is, to shine through.

A facelift makes a patient look younger because it is designed to address specific problems that a person experiences with age. These problems include things like the loss of skin elasticity, lost muscle tone around the face and the neck, issues with the formation of jowls, and deep creases that can form on the corner of your mouth and the base of the nose. This procedure can also address the loss of contour around the chin and neck.

You have probably noticed a drastic difference in the way that a person looks when they had a facelift in recent years as opposed to someone who had undergone the procedure many years ago. This is because the techniques used for the procedure have changed drastically in just a few years. At the same time, the goals of a plastic surgeon when performing a facelift have also changed. Dr. Smith’s goal is to make a person look like a natural version of their younger self, not to make it look like they had work done. In fact, we are happiest when our patients come back and tell us that their friends and family members are complimenting them on their refreshed look but cannot tell that they actually had a surgical procedure done.

Some of the major changes that a facelift can accomplish include tightening your facial muscles. It is understandable that tightening the facial muscles will have a dramatic effect on your appearance since your muscles and underlying bone are what make up the structure of your face.

Once the underlying structure has been repaired, then loose and excess skin can be removed and tightened. Facial skin should never be over tightened. As a specialist in facial enhancement, Dr. Smith will know just how much he should tighten your skin without giving you a pulled appearance.

Finally, a facelift can restore some of the volume to your mid-face. You will be left with a more attractive jawline and an overall more naturally youthful appearance. At , our trusted and experienced plastic surgeon knows what it takes to make you naturally look your best. Contact our office in today to schedule your consultation.

Revitalize Your Skin With Our Exclusive Three-Month Skin Rejuvenation Program

What would you say if you were told you could have beautiful skin in just three months? Our skin rejuvenation program can help you to take your skin to a whole new level by giving you exactly what you need to look your best. Your skin takes a beating every day. Exposure to the elements and the harmful rays of the sun can have a damaging effect, especially concerning the skin on your face. The aging process can also take a toll, making your skin look dull. Over time, you will lose that healthy glow as your skin loses its elasticity. It can be very frustrating, especially when you take care of your skin. Consider our exclusive three-month skin rejuvenation program designed to give you positive results.

Transform Your Skin One Day at a Time

Your skin is the canvas that covers your body; it is the most extensive organ you have. You want to treat it well and spare it from damage from the environment. You can make healthy choices to help you reach this goal. Staying hydrated and avoiding unprotected exposure to the sun can do wonders. You may even find that certain foods help you have healthier skin. However, our three-month skin rejuvenation program has been carefully formulated to give your skin exactly what it needs. You can revitalize your appearance when you choose skin rejuvenation.

Take a Comprehensive Approach to Skin Care

When you are focusing on your skin with our three-month skin rejuvenation program, you need to take a step by step approach that covers all of the bases. You need a gentle cleanser that will not damage your skin. You need to exfoliate, which will clear away the dead skin cells that are taking away your rosy glow. You may need a moisturizer or a product that will help you with any oily skin. If you have acne, our program can help you effectively address the problem. Don’t forget the importance of wearing sunscreen every day. Consider products that will tighten your skin and give you a more youthful appearance. With consistent treatment for three months, our program can make an incredible difference in the condition of your skin. You will feel like you have taken a step back in time to a point in your life when your skin was positively glowing. Recapture the skin of your youth by using our skin rejuvenation program.

Learn More About Our Three-Month Skin Rejuvenation Program Today

If your skin needs help to be rejuvenated from the storms of life, contact us today to find out how our three-month skin rejuvenation program can help you. We will provide you with a personalized approach to help you pamper your skin. In just three months with our skin rejuvenation program, you can achieve the best skin you’ve had in years. With our specialized program tailored to your needs, you will be able to give your skin the treatment that will work best for you. Located in ,  dedicates every day to helping patients in the Columbus area achieve their aesthetic goals. Schedule your consultation with us today!

Lip Injections for Fuller, Plumper Lips

To say that lip augmentation is a popular procedure would be an understatement. Every time a celebrity or reality star goes on television with freshly augmented lips, the popularity of the procedure grows. The reason why people are attracted to the idea of lip injections is because the fuller your lips look, the younger you appear. Of course, the augmentation has to be within reason. You do not want to have your lips so full that you look ridiculous. However, when lip augmentation is done by a professional with a good aesthetic eye, it can do wonders to soften your appearance, make you look younger and just make you look more attractive overall.

There are a lot of reasons why you might be interested in lip augmentation. For some people, nature was not that kind when it comes to the thickness of their lips. They were just born with naturally thin lips. And to make matters worse, as they are getting older, their lips are getting thinner. For some people, it gets the point that when they smile, their lips all but disappear. Thankfully, as a result of lip injections, having a plump pout is easier than ever before.

Lip injections can address the negative side effects that come with aging. As you age, the contours of your lips change. For some people, that change in the contour of their lips is not even. So, one side of the lip is a little bit thinner than the other. This only detracts from their overall appearance. These individuals see lip augmentation as a way of creating a face that is more inviting to others. They see lip augmentation as a way of redefining their face and helping their face conform to modern standards of beauty. When a person who has exceptionally thin lips sees their augmented lips in the mirror, they feel happy and they have an improved sense of self-confidence.

Most lip injections are based on hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a compound that everyone has in their body. It is what gives your skin a soft and moist feel. It is what helps to give your skin its volume. It is what keeps your lips looking healthy and full. Sometimes, fat may be used for lip augmentation.

The lip injection procedure is exceptionally simple. During the treatment, the filler or fat is skillfully injected into the lips. Taking the contour of your face and the shape of your lips into consideration, our experienced cosmetic professional will artfully help you craft lips that are full and attractive.

If you are interested in lip injections, make an appointment at  in . Contact our office today to schedule a consultation for non-surgical lip augmentation!

Nose Reshaping with Rhinoplasty

When you put on a new pair of jeans, you feel like a person. Just having clothing that fits your body right, looks nice, and is stylish changes the way that you feel about yourself, and it can even change the way that you present yourself to others. If this is true when it comes to clothing, think of how true this is when it comes to something as important as your face. When people look at your face, your nose is one of the first things they see. If you feel that your nose does not fit right on your face, it is likely that you feel self-conscious and uncomfortable. You do not have to deal with a nose that is not right for you. Rhinoplasty is designed to help adjust your nose so that it fits well with your face.

What Is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is commonly referred to as a nose job. It is unquestionably one of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed. People have rhinoplasty to reshape their nose because they do not like what nature gave them. Others have rhinoplasty to reshape their nose after suffering an accident or after suffering an injury.

While the majority of people have rhinoplasty for cosmetic reasons, the procedure can also be performed to correct functional issues with the nose. There is often a link between a functional problem with your nose and an aesthetic problem with your nose. People who have rhinoplasty done are surprised when they see the positive effect this procedure has on their life.

Some of the Areas Where Rhinoplasty May Improve Your Life

Many men and women alike feel that their careers and social interactions improved after receiving a nose job. On the one hand, the improvement may be due to their increased confidence because of their new look. On the other hand, the improvement may be due to the way that people see them or the way that people react to them as a result of their new look. Most likely, however, the improvements in these areas of life can be attributed to a combination of the two.

Rhinoplasty can also help restore symmetry to your face. Since your nose is right in the center of your face, just a minor defect like a bulbous tip can have a powerful impact on your appearance. Other common reasons for rhinoplasty include a desire to reduce or increase the size of the nose, adjust the angle of the nose or correct the size or shape of the nostrils.

If you are unhappy with your nose, rhinoplasty can help. Dr. Smith can be your guide towards increased confidence and higher quality of life. Join the many patients in the Columbus, OH area who have enjoyed amazing results with the services offered at . If you are interested in learning more about this procedure, call our office in to schedule your consultation with us.

What is a Brow Lift?

Gravity is a great thing. Without it we would not be able to walk, and life would not exist on the planet. For all of its benefits, the constant force of gravity on the human body also has some negative consequences. This is because gravity is constantly pulling our facial structure down. As a person gets older and as the muscles and other tissues in their face become weaker, they eventually succumb to the force of gravity. As a result, a person might have a forehead that is full of furrows. The youthful contour they once had slowly goes away and is replaced with a forehead that looks older, saggy, grumpy and full of tension. In addition to affecting the appearance of their forehead, gravity can also change the way a person’s upper eyelids and eyebrows look. Thankfully, there are tools that you can use to combat the negative effects of gravity. These tools include a brow lift.

Brow lifts come in a variety of styles. Different techniques may be used during the procedure, depending on the situation. For example, some brow lifts can be minimally-invasive using an endoscope.

You may want to consider having a brow lift if you feel like your sagging eyebrows make you look tired, they make you look grumpy or they negatively impact your appearance. If you have a deep crease across your forehead or if you have skin that hangs over your eyes, this procedure can likely help.

Some of the benefits of a brow lift include how the procedure can improve your appearance. It leaves you looking more alert and gives your brow a more youthful appearance. This procedure can make you look happier and make you more approachable. This will have a positive effect on both your personal and your business life.

When you sit down with our experienced surgeon at , he can explain to you some of the brow lift techniques that are available and help you see if a brow lift is what you need to get the results you want. Our cosmetic professional in may recommend that you have another surgery performed in conjunction with your brow lift to give you the complete look you want. However, it all depends on the unique situation. Contact us today to schedule a consultation to get started!

Reduce the Appearance of Facial Wrinkles with BOTOX

BOTOX® is a great product that can be used to help you reduce the appearance of dynamic wrinkles on the face. Even though almost everyone has heard of this product, not everyone necessarily understands how it works or trusts that it can help them to improve their appearance.

One of the things that makes people feel a little bit nervous when thinking about using BOTOX® is the fact that the product is used to relax the muscles in the face. This means that their facial movements change. While this may sound a little scary, you do not have to be worried about not being able to make normal expressions. You will still be able to laugh, frown and make all of your usual expressions. However, the skin on top of your muscles will remain smooth rather than showing wrinkles. This treatment will help you to enjoy a more youthful appearance. It will help you to reduce dynamic wrinkles on your face.

Something else that not everyone understands about BOTOX® is that it is not designed to treat all of the wrinkles that a person may have. It is designed to treat dynamic wrinkles. These are the kind of wrinkles that happen because you spend years and years making facial expressions, and so the skin on top of those facial muscles will crease over the years.

BOTOX® is a temporary treatment. The results generally last for around three to six months, depending on the situation. The good news is these treatments can be safely repeated at our office multiple times a year for ongoing benefits. This means that you can continue to enjoy a more youthful appearance.

One of the great things about BOTOX® is that there is virtually no downtime involved. Patients can come in for a treatment and then resume most all of their normal activities. This is an extremely convenient treatment for people with busy schedules and lifestyles.

During a consultation at , we will do all we can to help you learn more about BOTOX® and determine if the product is right for you. We will explain why this is such an exciting treatment and how it can help you not only improve the way you look, but also improve the way you feel. Contact us today to schedule an appointment at our office in .

Treat the Jowls and Neckline with a Mini Facelift

A traditional facelift is performed to smooth out the entire lower half of the face. This is accomplished by lifting away the skin and draping it back into place after some skin has been removed. If only a localized area of the face needs smoothing, such as the jawline, a limited incision facelift, also known as a mini facelift, can be performed.

A mini facelift is a rather simple surgical procedure because only tiny incisions are made, and any subdermal tissue repositioning or removal can be accomplished through the use of tiny tools. This procedure can greatly improve the appearance of the jawline by eliminating sagging jowls.

Versus a Traditional Facelift

A mini facelift is a much simpler procedure because it treats only the skin and subdermal tissue around the jaw. This makes it appealing as an alternative to a traditional facelift because the incisions are smaller, and the overall procedure is less invasive.

Ideal Candidates

The jawline can be a depository for excess fatty tissue. This results in a drooping of the skin, the appearance of jowls and some folding of the skin on the upper neck. If the skin can be pulled upward and outward, the folding disappears and the jowls are much less noticeable. Adults in good overall health who have otherwise taut skin on their cheeks and upper face but who suffer from drooping skin on the jaw are ideal candidates for a mini facelift.

A Simple Outpatient Procedure

When we perform a mini facelift, we give the client a localized anesthetic with sedation. General anesthesia through intravenous means is rarely necessary. This is an outpatient procedure that is performed in the comfort of our surgical suite. You are able to go home on the same day as your procedure.

Long-Lasting Results

The skin will now be more taut and smooth, and the jawline will no longer show drooping. The uppermost portion of the neck skin will also show improvement. Properly performed, a mini facelift can result in visual improvement for a long time.

Make an Appointment Today

To learn more about a mini facelift, schedule a consultation at  in . During this appointment, you’ll get all the facts on how a mini facelift can dramatically improve the overall appearance of your jowls and neckline. Contact us today to book an appointment!

Enjoy Newfound Confidence with Otoplasty

When you have something about your appearance you do not like, it can cause you to feel bad about yourself. Just think about how you feel when you wake up in the morning, you look in the mirror and you like what you see looking back at you. How do you feel? You usually have a positive outlook throughout the entire day. You feel full of energy. You feel confident enough to meet new people, try new things and take advantage of opportunities. The opposite is also true. When you feel dissatisfied with your appearance, you lose your energy and you may even feel depressed.

Many have been able to enjoy a newfound sense of confidence with otoplasty. When a person has ears that stick out very far, very small ears or ears that are very large, this is usually something about their appearance they do not like. Also, they know that others react to their misshapen or large ears in a negative way. Unfortunately, when a person has some kind of issue with their ears, they are usually not looked at in the most positive light.

Otoplasty is surgery that is designed to fix the outer part of the ear. It is always performed for cosmetic purposes. It will not affect the middle or inner ear. So, if you are interested in a surgery that is going to improve your hearing or somehow affect your hearing, otoplasty is not right for you. However, if you are interested in fixing or changing the outer part of your ear, otoplasty may be able to help you.

The great thing about using otoplasty nowadays is that there are so many different techniques and procedures that can be used to give you fantastic results. You can go from being an individual who has very large ears that stick out to being a person who has ears that are considered to be of normal size.

It is important for all otoplasty candidates to enjoy overall good health. This is going to give you the best outcome. Once we determine your candidacy for this procedure, we can explain in detail how it will be performed in order to help you reach your particular goals.
Let the team at  show you how otoplasty can give you newfound confidence. Our office is located in . Contact us today to schedule a consultation for otoplasty!

Achieve Fuller, More Shapely Cheeks with Juvederm

When you compare an old photograph of yourself with your current appearance, what changes do you notice? One thing that many people notice as they get older is that they do not have the same volume in their cheeks. In fact, their cheeks may actually look hollow. This leads to static wrinkles on the face. If you feel unsatisfied with your current appearance because you have lost facial volume and you have sagging skin, Juvederm® may be right for you.

Juvederm® is designed to help those who would like to have fuller and more shapely cheeks. They may naturally have a very thin face and hollow cheeks, or their cheeks may have lost volume over time. No matter the situation, Juvederm® can help. This filler is also helpful in treating nasolabial folds, marionette lines and sagging skin around the jaw. It can even be used to add volume to the lips.

Juvederm® treatments consist of several small injections in the treated areas. Only a small amount of the product is needed to get great results. For example, when Juvederm® is used in fine lines and wrinkles, only small injections are needed to see the wrinkles disappear and have smooth skin.

This product has been designed to add volume to the chin area and the cheekbones. In comparison to other areas of the face, these are larger areas. However, you are able to get fantastic results with this product because it is very smooth and expands after it has been injected. The ingredients in this filler are combined in a unique way to help you have fuller cheeks and a more youthful look.

Before having any cosmetic procedure done, it is important to know if the procedure is safe. Thankfully, the safety and effectiveness of Juvederm® has been proven time and time again. The most important thing is finding someone who is licensed and trained in order to give these injections. At , you can feel confident knowing that you are in the hands of highly trained medical professionals when you work with our team.

One of the best things about Juvederm® is its ease and convenience. Depending on the area being treated, sessions typically last no longer than 15 minutes. After your treatment is finished, you will immediately be able to go back to your daily routine. Then, you will get to enjoy your results for six to eight months.

You may be wondering if this product is for you. Many people make good candidates for Juvederm®. If you would like to restore lost facial volume, are in generally good health and have realistic expectations, this product will likely be able to help you.

Juvederm® offers patients an easy, effective way to restore volume in their cheeks and revitalize their face.  offers this injectable among our many professional cosmetic services. Located in , we gladly help patients in the Columbus, OH and surrounding areas achieve their aesthetic goals. To learn more about how Juvederm® can help you, contact us today to schedule your consultation!

Smith Facial Plastics

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