
Minimizing Wrinkles with BOTOX in Columbus, OH

A simple injection treatment at our office in the Columbus area might be all that you need to finally erase facial wrinkles. BOTOX® is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments in the world, and this injectable has helped millions of people rebuild their confidence. Within just days of your appointment, you are going to look much younger and more refreshed.

The History of BOTOX®

BOTOX® is a purified protein solution that is delivered via skillful injection. For many years, this product was used to treat a variety of medical conditions including involuntary muscle contractions. While the product is effective at preventing muscle twitches, doctors also noticed a secondary benefit. Fine lines and wrinkles near the injection sites tended to fade away within just days of these treatments. After quite a bit of research, the FDA approved the use of this product to treat age-related blemishes in certain areas.

After being injected, BOTOX® begins to block the nerve impulses that force the nearby muscles to contract. Some wrinkles are caused by sunken cheeks and loose skin, but others are the result of permanently contracted muscles. Injecting BOTOX® into those muscles allows them to slowly relax. Unlike many other injectables that only add volume to the face, BOTOX® treats the root causes of fine lines and wrinkles.

Your First Treatment Session

BOTOX® treatments in Columbus start with a consultation at our office. During this meeting, we can evaluate your facial features and determine if the treatment is right for you. From there, we can plan out a customized treatment for you. During the actual treatment session, the solution is skillfully injected into the preselected areas. No downtime is involved, so patients can return to virtually all of their daily activities immediately after the treatment.

You should begin to notice changes to your skin within days of the treatment session. The results of BOTOX® typically last for three to six months with the proper aftercare. You can simply schedule additional maintenance appointments at our office to maintain the results. Some patients also combine BOTOX® with other cosmetic treatments to improve the overall results.

Talk to Our Team in Columbus

Make an appointment at  in to learn more information about BOTOX®. We would be happy to assess your case and see if this treatment can give you a younger, more refreshed appearance. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

Benefits of Rhinoplasty

Commonly referred to as a nose job, rhinoplasty can provide a vast range of both functional and aesthetic benefits. These procedures are performed to minimize or eliminate cosmetic issues resulting from congenital defects, impact injuries, past facial surgeries, and more. If you’re unhappy with the shape, size, or overall functionality of your nose, rhinoplasty may be used to redefine this structure.

Reshape and Refine the Nose Bridge or Tip

Rhinoplasty is frequently performed to reshape various aspects of the nose, such as the nose tip or the bridge. If you have a bulbous or pinched nose tip, this procedure can create a stronger, better defined, and more balanced structure overall. It can also correct small or oversized nostrils and uneven nostrils. For patients who have suffered impact injuries affecting the face, this procedure can remove large, noticeable bumps at the bridge resulting from breakage and improper healing.

Alleviate Common Functional Issues

In terms of the functional benefits, this procedure enables our surgeon to open or amend obstructed nasal passageways. This will, in turn, alleviate problems like mouth breathing, sleep apnea, and snoring, among many other things. When rhinoplasty is performed as a functional procedure, efforts can additionally be made at the patient’s request to improve overall nose aesthetics.

Create Better Facial Symmetry After Other Cosmetic Enhancements

Undergoing procedures that create significant changes in the overall facial structure could require alterations to the nose for ensuring continued facial symmetry and balance. For instance, people who intend to get cheek or chin implants may want to consider the benefits of also streamlining or augmenting the nose to create a seamless and natural look overall. As such, rhinoplasty is frequently paired with other procedures.

Contact Us Today to Learn More

When you look in the mirror, what do you see? If an issue with your nose causes you to be unhappy with your appearance, or if you are having trouble with the way your nose functions, it may be time to consider rhinoplasty. When performed by an experienced surgeon like Dr. Smith at , the results can be truly amazing.

 is located in . Contact our office today to schedule a consultation to learn more about how rhinoplasty can benefit you!

Who is a Good Candidate for Otoplasty?

Some individuals out there never even think about the appearance of their ears. They think about other parts of their appearance, but their ears are a size and position that are considered average. Other people out there would define their entire appearance based on their ears. Their ears protrude so far out or they are so large or misshapen that even if they have other attractive features, all they see are their unattractive ears. Otoplasty can help individuals who have ears that are unattractive, misshapen, or deformed.

Otoplasty is basically an umbrella term for dealing with any cosmetic issues surrounding the ears. However, it is important to note that the procedure does not affect a person’s hearing or their middle or inner ear. It is only something that is designed to help improve the appearance or change the appearance of the outer ears.

So, who is a good candidate for otoplasty? Basically, it is any person out there who has some kind of issue with their outer ear that causes them to feel unattractive. If you have ears that are very large, otoplasty can be used to reduce the size of them. If you do not have natural folds in your ears like the vast majority of people out there do, otoplasty can be used to help you. And if you have ears that stick out very far, otoplasty can be used to pin them back.

Otoplasty is often performed on children. Parents opt to have the surgery performed in order to help their children if they have some kind of deformity or abnormality with their outer ears. If a child has ears that are extremely large or that stick out very far, a parent may decide that it would be best for their child’s long-term interest if they have otoplasty performed on their child while he or she is young.

If there is something about your ears that you do not like, you can learn more about otoplasty by scheduling a consultation at  in . Your ears do not have to define who you are. This simple surgery can be performed in order to help you deal with issues that are causing you to feel bad about the appearance of your ears and face. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and get started!

Correct Facial Asymmetries with a Fat Transfer

You’ve done everything you can to make your finest features shine. You use a variety of cosmetics and hairstyles that frame your face in a pleasing way. You still have some problem areas that you can’t fix on your own. As you get older, you are starting to notice facial asymmetries due to a loss of facial volume. You feel like you could use some more fullness in certain areas of your face. Think about a fat transfer to enhance your facial features.

How Can a Fat Transfer Help You?

Fat transfer procedures are gaining in popularity. Instead of using dermal fillers to add definition or volume to a part of the body, plastic surgeons are tapping into the power of the fat in your body. First, excess fat is removed from an area where there is excess. The fat is sent through a process of purification before it is skillfully injected where it is needed. If you feel like your cheeks are not balanced in appearance or they need to be fuller, a fat transfer could help you. It can also be used to plump the lips, fill in lines and wrinkles, as well as rejuvenate the appearance of the area around the eyes. Your fat can be transformed into a filler anywhere that it is necessary.

Why Choose a Fat Transfer?

When you opt for this procedure, you are choosing a much less involved procedure as compared to getting implants to correct facial asymmetries. You’re using a completely natural substance that comes from your own body. You don’t have to worry about having a reaction because it is your fat that is being put to good use to help you enhance your facial features.

Talk to Our Plastic Surgeon About a Fat Transfer

If you are really unhappy with the lack of balance in your facial features or you feel that they are not in the proper proportion, you may benefit from a fat transfer performed by Dr. Smith at . The best way to find out is to make an appointment at our office in . Our experienced and talented surgeon can help you to realize your vision for the way you want to look. When you come in, you can discuss your concerns with your facial features and inquire about a fat transfer. Dr. Smith will determine if a fat transfer can help you to enhance your facial features and create balance. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and get started!

Featured Service This Month: Hyperhidrosis

Did you know Botox can treat Hyperhidrosis?

There is a medical condition that causes excessive sweating. The word “hyperhidrosis” means too much sweating. Excessive sweating happens when a person sweats more than is necessary. It is necessary to sweat, as sweating cools the body. However, people who have hyperhidrosis, sweat when the body does not need cooling.

People with hyperhidrosis most often sweat from their palms, feet, underarms, or head. While the rest of the body remains dry, these areas may excessively sweat.

Excessive sweating can interfere with everyday activities. Hands can be slippery. Sweat from the underarms may soak through clothes, and forehead sweating may irritate the eyes. Fortunately, Botox can be safely used to manage this condition. A treatment takes several minutes, and can last 4-6 months. If you believe that you have this condition, can help you!

Learn more

Call today to schedule your appointment!

Am I a Candidate for Lip Augmentation?

There are so many movie stars right now who are famous for their pout. Unfortunately, the majority of us are not blessed with naturally full lips. Instead, they are thin and sometimes uneven. Thankfully, we do not have to feel stuck with the lips that nature gave us. Lip augmentation allows us to increase the size and adjust the shape of our lips into something that we can be happy with.

Lip augmentation is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that is done to add volume to your lips. When your lips have volume and are well-defined, you look younger. Lip augmentation procedures can come in the form of surgical implants, fat transfers and hyaluronic acid fillers.

Lip augmentation will change your facial features. This is because your lips are such a prominent part of your face. Even though your lips are the only thing being treated, you will notice an enhancement to your entire face.

Hyaluronic acid fillers and fat transfers allow our specialist to have complete control over the outcome. Even though dermal fillers using hyaluronic acid are only temporary, more people opt for these procedures than surgery because of how much control they know that they will have over the results. Most people don’t choose surgical procedures until they have more experience with less permanent options.

To be a candidate for lip augmentation, you need to be in overall good health. This is true whether you are receiving a fat transfer, an implant or a dermal filler injection. If you are ever unsure about your candidacy for treatment or which option may be right for you, we can help you decide during your initial consultation.

In addition to being physically healthy, you need to be emotionally ready. Patients are happiest with their results when they undergo lip augmentation for no one other than themselves. That’s why it’s so important to review why you want to change the look and feel of your lips.

Each form of lip augmentation comes with its own benefits, and we can help you decide which technique is right for you at Contact our office in to schedule your consultation and find out which treatment is best for you.

Large or Flared Nostrils? Consider a Nose Job

There are some features of a nose that can cause you to feel embarrassed or that can negatively impact your overall appearance. If you have very large or flared nostrils, these features of your nose are probably not aspects of your appearance that you feel happy with. In fact, you may be so concerned about the way your nostrils look that you feel embarrassed, self-conscious and unhappy. If this describes your situation, you no longer have to feel this way about your appearance. Consider rhinoplasty, more commonly known as a nose job. In most cases, fixing large or flared nostrils is a relatively easy procedure.

The great thing about having a nose job performed is that it is a tried and true cosmetic procedure. It has been performed for years. The techniques that are used with the procedure are getting better and better, which means that more and more individuals who have this procedure performed feel satisfied with the results they get.

Individuals who have had rhinoplasty performed in order to address large or flared nostrils often comment that one of the best parts of having this problem fixed is that they have a lot higher self-esteem. They have more confidence. When they feel more confident and more comfortable in social settings, they get a lot more accomplished in their life. They no longer feel as nervous to ask their boss for a raise, they no longer feel nervous to ask out their crush and they just have an overall much happier sense of self. If you are ready to not only improve the way your nose looks, but also improve your overall sense of self-esteem, get in touch with us.

In addition to addressing large or flared nostrils, a nose job can help you with a wide variety of other issues that you may have with your nose. If you have a nose that is very large or very small, our skilled surgeon can use rhinoplasty to address these issues. If your nose is misshapen, it has a hump or it has virtually any other problem, usually rhinoplasty can be used to address it.

Consult with Dr. Smith at  to see if a nose job can work for you. Our office is located in , . Contact us today to schedule an appointment and get started!

Addressing Crow’s Feet with BOTOX

As a person gets older, they are going to notice that their skin is not as smooth as it used to be. They will see fine lines, wrinkles, and eventually deep folds that cause their skin to look older. One of the biggest complaints that people have is that they are experiencing crow’s feet. You may be experiencing these as well. If so, BOTOX® may be able to help you.

So, what are crow’s feet? They are the lines that you see at the outer corners of your eyes. These happen because the muscles around your eyes contract, which causes the skin on top of them to form creases and lines.

When young individuals smile, they may also experience these creases around the outer corners of their eyes. However, because they are young and the condition of their skin is so healthy, their skin just bounces back to normal as soon as they are finished smiling or squinting. As you get older and you make these expressions thousands of times throughout your lifetime and as your skin changes as you get older, these creases become more apparent.

BOTOX® is one of the best ways that you can address crow’s feet. First, the procedure is extremely simple. You need to come in for an initial consultation. This consultation will allow us to ask you questions about your health and about your goals. Once it is determined that BOTOX® is the best option for addressing your crow’s feet, a treatment session can be planned.

During the actual treatment session, the BOTOX® solution will be skillfully injected into preselected areas. In the days after your treatment, you are going to see that the skin around your outer eyes is much more relaxed. As such, you are going to look a lot younger. You can still make normal facial expressions; you just won’t have the same amount of wrinkling as before.

If you have crow’s feet or other dynamic wrinkles, BOTOX® is a great treatment option to help you look younger. Make an appointment at  to learn more about this simple and effective treatment. Our office is located in . Contact us today to schedule a consultation for BOTOX®!

Rhinoplasty for a Large Nose

Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures performed today. In fact, when you talk to people about cosmetic surgery, one of the first things that they will mention to you is rhinoplasty, or a nose job. Why do people want rhinoplasty? In the vast majority of cases, it is because they feel that their nose is too large for their face. They may love how their nose is shaped, but they just want that shape scaled down a little bit.

If this sounds like your situation, rhinoplasty can help. When you are considering rhinoplasty, it is good for you to jot down on a piece of paper the things that you don’t like about your nose. Write what you don’t like about your nose being big, maybe how it sits in proportion to the rest of your face. After you write down the issues that you have with your nose, rate them on a scale based on how important they are to you.

When you visit our plastic surgeon, he will discuss these issues with you, and he may also ask you questions about difficulties with breathing. This will help to give him a better idea of how exactly he can fix your nose in a way that truly satisfies you. During your consultation with our surgeon, he can also give you a good idea of what your new nose is going to look like on your face.

Reshaping a large nose with rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that requires a recovery. However, when your nose is reshaped to fit the rest of your face, it can have a huge impact on the way that you look and feel. This is because your nose is the center of your face. It is one of the first things that people notice when they look at you. And it’s one of the first things you see when you look at yourself in the mirror. If your nose is too big, it throws the rest of your face out of balance.

We invite you to make an appointment at  in to get all the facts about rhinoplasty. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Smith!

How Do Cheek Implants Work?

When cheek implants were first introduced to society, they were used as a way to reconstruct the face of an individual who because of a birth defect or because of an accident was deformed. They were a very effective tool in this regard. Nowadays, in addition to being used to help restore the appearance of a person who has experienced a facial trauma, they are also used to enhance the aesthetics of a person’s face. They are used to help a person who has weak cheeks to get the facial symmetry needed in order to have a pleasing appearance.

During the initial consultation phase for a cheek augmentation procedure, our doctor is going to sit down with you and discuss what makes you want to have cheek implants in the first place. He will look at your face and will let you know what he can realistically do with the technology that is currently available and the structure of your face.

It is important to understand that your cheeks are designed to provide a level of symmetry to your face. Just because high cheekbones or very structured cheekbones work on a particular individual’s face, this does not mean that it is going to work for you. The types of cheeks you should have and the results you will have after cheek implants are individual. As our doctor looks at you, he is going to examine your facial dimensions, as well as the natural shape of your face. This will help him determine where he will place the cheek implants.

The implant procedure is going to be performed under some form of sedation. This is an outpatient procedure that is performed in the comfort of our state-of-the-art surgical suite. Once the procedure is over, it is important to follow our team’s instructions regarding healing for optimal results. Once you have fully healed, you will be able to enjoy the results of your procedure for years to come.

To get all the details about how cheek implants work, as well as how they can work for you specifically, make an appointment with Dr. Smith at  in . Contact our office today to schedule a consultation and get started!

Smith Facial Plastics

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