
What Happens During Rhinoplasty Recovery?

Rhinoplasty is most commonly called a nose job and is typically used to change the shape or size of the nose. It can be used for a variety of concerns, from repairing the nose after an injury to smoothing a bump on the bridge of the nose. You may also choose to use it to change the width of the nose bridge, to make your nostrils more symmetrical, to improve the aesthetics of your nose tip or to balance the size of your nose to the rest of your face. Rhinoplasty procedures are incredibly popular and can do so much to improve the confidence levels of teenagers and adults alike. Whatever your reason for having one may be, your biggest questions may concern the rhinoplasty recovery period, and that’s understandable.

First of all, it is important to understand that no rhinoplasty recovery is one-size-fits-all. The exact details of what your recovery period will be like won’t be fully known until your surgery has been completed. This is because he will have the clearest picture of how the procedure went at this time. Of course, the extent of your rhinoplasty procedure will also affect your recovery period.

You will be given tips for recovery at your pre-operative appointment. Additionally, you will be given full discharge instructions, which will provide you with all of the details you will need to care for yourself during your rhinoplasty recovery. Of course, our team will make sure that you understand these things in full, and they will also be able to answer specific questions before you leave to go home on the day of your procedure.

In general, you will be sent home with specific instructions that you should follow to the letter. So long as you follow our team’s instructions regarding aftercare, your recovery should be fairly straightforward. Once you have fully healed, you will be able to enjoy the results of your procedure for years to come.

If you have any further questions about rhinoplasty recovery or the rhinoplasty process in general, make an appointment at  in . Contact our office today to schedule a consultation for rhinoplasty!

Improve the Appearance of Your Eyes with Eyelid Surgery in Columbus

When others in the Columbus area look at you, what do they see? There are many facial features that contribute to your appearance. The eyes are possibly the most important facial features we have. You can improve the appearance of your eyes with eyelid surgery if you feel your eyes are not saying the right thing about you.

Refresh Your Appearance with Eyelid Surgery

Over time, our skin loosens as collagen and elastin levels begin to drop. This can even happen to our eyelids, which may start to droop and make us look older than we feel.

While we all hope that we really get to know a person as opposed to just judging them by their outer appearance, we would all agree that we do make snap decisions about people based on the way they look. This underscores the importance of making sure that your appearance is saying something to others that you really want them to hear. If you feel like your eyes aren’t sending the right message about who you are, eyelid surgery may be all that you need to help you give the right idea to others. When your outer appearance finally matches the way you feel on the inside, your self-confidence will shoot up.

Is Eyelid Surgery Right for Me?

Some people wonder about the best time to undergo eyelid surgery. There is no hard and fast rule. Most patients who choose this surgery are adults who are in generally good health but are unhappy with the appearance of their upper eyelids, lower eyelids or both. Non-invasive treatments just aren’t cutting it anymore. Some people may request the surgery when they are younger if genetics are causing them to have more excess skin and sagging around their eyes than they should. However, the best way to find out if this procedure is right for you is to schedule a consultation with our plastic surgeon.

The Benefits of Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery comes with many notable advantages such as long-lasting, natural-looking results, a more youthful appearance and a relatively short recovery period. If you live in the Columbus area and are interested in finding out if eyelid surgery is right for you, schedule a consultation with our trusted plastic surgeon at  in . Contact us today to book your appointment and get started!

Get a Non-Surgical Brow Lift with BOTOX

Droopy eyelids and horizontal banding on the forehead are the result of environmental and age-related causes. The forehead skin has become more brittle, and when the upper-level muscles contract in order for the individual to perform a frown, fine wrinkles become noticeable. Around the eyebrows, crow’s feet can develop. These are often dynamic in nature, meaning they appear only when you squint. BOTOX® is a good treatment for our clients who desire a more youthful appearance without having to go through surgery. Just one treatment session can help minimize the appearance of wrinkling on the forehead and around the eyes.

BOTOX® Is a Secret Weapon

BOTOX® is just as effective at treating types dynamic wrinkles, including crow’s feet, frown lines, and wrinkle lines on the forehead. The fluid used smooths the skin by reducing the amount to which muscles can contract.

BOTOX® works by helping key facial muscles relax, allowing the wrinkles that they have caused to smooth away. The solution blocks communication from the nerves to the muscles, preventing them from building up the tension responsible for the formation of many types of wrinkles.

The All-Important Consultation

It is critical to determine if using BOTOX® as a non-surgical alternative to a brow lift is right for you and your goals. Our medical experts at are happy to help you explore your options to choose what is best for you, your lifestyle, and your expectations for the results of your treatment.

Simple Injection Procedure

The treatment is performed in the comfort of our office by our team of experts, who will help you choose the procedure that is right for you. Results typically form a few days after treatment and last roughly three to six months. They can be maintained with tailored follow-up visits. It is important to our team at that you not only look your best, but that you are always feeling your best!

Non-Surgical Solution

The biggest advantage of BOTOX® is the simplicity of the treatment. Some clients also prefer the fact that muscles rather than the skin itself are treated directly.

With BOTOX®, you can enjoy a younger appearance with a far less invasive procedure. At  in , we’ll be more than happy to help you find out if this is the right treatment for you. Call us today!

Reasons to See a Facial Plastic Surgeon

More and more people are starting to see the benefits that come from visiting a facial plastic surgeon. They can adjust aspects of their appearance that they do not like and improve the way they look overall. We would like to discuss with you some of the reasons why you should visit our plastic surgeon at .

If there is an aspect of your appearance that you simply do not like or that is causing you to have low self-esteem, you can fix it. You do not have to endure it and make the best of the situation. Time and again, we see the way our clients can improve their lives because of the new sense of self-confidence that they have after using facial plastic surgery.

While we all try to judge others based on who they are on the inside, it is true that we make decisions about others based on the way they look on the outside. If you have noticed that others do not see you in the most positive light because of a particular aspect of your appearance, you can do something about it. Of course, you do not want to change the way you look to please others. However, you can improve the opinion that others have of you by using cosmetic surgery. For example, many have benefited from an eyelid lift. Before having the eyelid lift, the person looked tired and worn out. They may have noticed that they were not able to get ahead in the workplace because they looked so tired and rundown. After using the eyelid lift surgery, they looked a lot more enthusiastic, energetic, and ready to take on more responsibility. This has led to professional benefits as well as personal benefits.

Plastic surgery can also be used to help individuals who do not like the way that the aging process is affecting their appearance. When you were younger, you likely had skin that was tight and plump. Now that you are getting older, you see sagging and wrinkles on your face. Facial plastic surgery can help you to refresh your face, neck, and other parts of your body. It can help you to feel truly satisfied with the way you look. Our goal is to add balance to your overall appearance and help you feel more confident with the way you look.

If you are ready to boost your appearance, contact us today at  to schedule your consultation.

Enhance Your Appearance with Cosmetic Surgery in Columbus

You are not alone if there is something about yourself that you would like to change. When it comes to your physical appearance, cosmetic surgery in Columbus could help you to make your vision for yourself come true. You can finally look in the mirror and feel positive about your reflection. When makeup, hairstyles, and weight loss aren’t enough to enhance your appearance, think about what cosmetic surgery can do for you. If you have a picture in your mind about the way you should look, our plastic surgeon can likely make it happen.

Make the Change in Your Appearance that You Want to See

Think of our cosmetic surgeon in Columbus as an artist. You are the artist’s canvas. Our surgeon will be able to enhance your appearance to suit you. If you are not happy with something that concerns your face, he can offer you solutions. You could have your nose altered or get cheek implants to give your face more definition. If you are struggling with signs of aging, such as wrinkles or sagging skin, our cosmetic surgeon has answers for you. You only need to express your wishes. Place yourself in the hands of our skilled cosmetic surgeon and you will see results.

Give Your Figure and Face a Boost

If you are like so many others, you want to get rid of fat in places that simply have too much. If you are looking for more facial volume as well, our plastic surgeon can perform a simple fat transfer procedure. It’s a matter of taking your body from where it is now and enhancing it to give you a better overall aesthetic.

Learn More About Cosmetic Surgery in Columbus

Once you have made up your mind about plastic surgery, it is time to have a consultation with our cosmetic surgeon at  in Columbus. He is going to ask you questions to pinpoint your areas of concern. You need to express yourself clearly to make sure our surgeon understands exactly what you want. If you are ready to make a change, cosmetic surgery can lead the way.

is conveniently located in . Contact us today to schedule a consultation for cosmetic surgery!

Treat Dynamic Wrinkles with BOTOX in Columbus, Ohio

How do you feel about yourself when you look at yourself in the mirror? How do you feel about your appearance when you compare the way you look today with the way you looked five or 10 years ago? If you are like most people in Columbus, , there’s going to be some things that you like about your current appearance, but there’s also going to be some things that you miss about the way you looked when you were younger. One of those things that you probably miss about the way you looked when you were younger is your wrinkle-free appearance. Thankfully, BOTOX®exists.

Unfortunately, as we get older, we start to develop wrinkles. These wrinkles develop around our eyes, our nose, and our mouth. Dynamic wrinkles are caused by the contractions of your muscles underneath your skin. Every time you make a facial expression, your skin responds to the movement of your muscles. You can see an example of this when you look at yourself in the mirror and you smile. Just look at your eyes. Do you see how the skin on the sides of your eyes is crinkled up when you smile? This crinkling is happening because of the movement of your muscles underneath your skin.

When you were younger, your skin responded the same way to your muscle movement. The only difference is that because your younger skin had more collagen, more elastin, and more hyaluronic acid, when you finished making a facial expression, those wrinkles in your skin would fall out and disappear.

Now that you are a little older and now that your skin is less resilient, the wrinkles caused by facial movements are starting to etch themselves in your appearance. This is why you still see wrinkles around your eyes, even when you’re not smiling.

There is nothing that you can do to reverse the appearance of dynamic wrinkles on your own. There is no topical cream that’s going to make them disappear. This is because the cause of your dynamic wrinkles is underneath your skin. So the only way to treat dynamic wrinkles is to treat what’s going on underneath your skin with a product like BOTOX® in Columbus, .

BOTOX® is a neuromodulator which interferes with the signals that your nerves are sending to your facial muscles. So when you smile, your nerves will not be able to tell the muscles around your eyes to contract as forcefully as they did before the treatment. After BOTOX® treatments, your skin is given a little bit of a rest because your muscles are not forcing your skin to crinkle like it did before. With time, the wrinkles that have been etched in your skin actually fall out. Your skin starts to look and feel smoother and younger.

If you miss the wrinkle-free appearance you had in youth, treat dynamic wrinkles with BOTOX® at  near Columbus, . You will be amazed as you watch your wrinkles begin to disappear. Contact us today for a consultation at our office in , .

Treat Common Signs of Aging with a Facelift in Columbus, OH

Aging plays a large role in the way that you look. Some people in Columbus, OH age prematurely. So they could be in their 30’s, but the people around them believe that they are in their 40’s. No one wants to look older than they are. It does not feel good to have someone mistake you as being a lot older than what you really are. A facelift is a surgical procedure that is designed to help you maintain your youthful appearance while at the same time addressing many of the issues that lead to premature aging.

One of the primary reasons why people look prematurely old is because they have a buildup of excess fat and skin around their face. Since they have excess skin, their face looks like it’s droopy or looks like it is worn out. A facelift can help this by getting rid of that excess skin. After the procedure, you should be left with a smoother face that has a tighter skin surface. A facelift is very good at getting rid of creases around the nose and the eyes. All of this reduces the appearance of premature aging and helps to restore your youthful appearance.

You want to be one of those people that others look at and cannot determine your age. You want them to look at you and think that you are younger than you are. In order to do this, you may need to have some of the volume restored to your face. This can be part of the procedure. With a facelift, a person does not need to be content with growing old gracefully. A facelift is designed as a way for you to fight back against the aging process and reverse it when possible.

A facelift is a cosmetic surgical procedure. Some people in Columbus, OH opt to have a facelift done by itself, while others opt to have it performed in conjunction with other procedures to further enhance their appearance. To get the most out of your facelift, it is essential for you to follow the guidelines laid out by our surgeon prior to the surgery, as well as during the recovery process.

A facelift in Columbus, OH can make positive changes in the way that you look. When a facelift is performed by a skilled professional like Dr. Smith, it is so natural that many people will not be able to tell that you had a procedure done. All they’re going to be able to tell is that you’ve revitalized the way you look. Make an appointment at  in , to get started. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

Enjoying the Benefits of Scar Treatment in the Columbus Area

Having a body covered in varying degrees of scar tissue can create problems for individuals trying to live a normal life in the Columbus area. If only visible scars did not make you stick out in an awkward way, you might feel more comfortable in your own skin. Unfortunately, accidents and deformities occur that leave scar tissue behind. On a brighter note, scar treatment methods have improved significantly over the years. In some cases, the scar treatments leave little to no significant visible evidence behind that you even had a scar at all. With this in mind, the following are a few benefits derived from scar treatments for your consideration.

Seeing Yourself in a More Positive Light

When you look in the mirror and see that scar treatment has made considerable improvements to your scar tissue, this can go a long way in helping you feel closer to normal again. As you become more satisfied with how you look in your own eyes, this will make it easier to face public and social situations with less feelings of everyone staring at scars you wish they could not see exist. You might even start to notice that you no longer get social anxiety anymore too.

No More Need to Be Camera Shy

For a lot of individuals in Columbus, especially those who have highly visible facial scars, taking pictures that will inevitably preserve your scars for years to come in photographic form can be a difficult experience. When scar treatment works to reduce the size and noticeability of scar tissue, this makes it easier for you to stand in front of the camera with less worries.

Improving Your Dating Life

Another amazing benefit of scar treatment is that reducing or eliminating scar tissue can really improve your inherent good looks. Without such a noticeable scar, you might be shocked to learn how much more attractive you appear to members of the opposite sex. This, in turn, can dramatically help to improve your dating efforts. Like it or not, people are attracted to what they imagine to be normal-looking.

Make an appointment at  in to get more information about how professional scar treatment can benefit you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with us in the Columbus area!

Enhance Your Overall Appearance with Chin Implants

When you hear someone say that you have a weak chin, this is not something that is usually a compliment. When a person has what most would consider to be a weak chin, it means that their jaw and their chin are quite small. There are options when it comes to improving the appearance of your jaw and chin. Some individuals have successfully used dermal fillers in order to improve these areas. However, dermal fillers are only temporary in nature. Depending on the product that you choose along with the practitioner, you are likely to experience the benefits from this treatment for just months. Many have found that chin implants are the way to go.

Chin implants are typically made of silicone. They can be made in different sizes and different shapes, depending on your particular wants and needs. The type of chin implant that is right for you is going to be determined along with the help of our practitioner. We invite you to schedule a consultation at our office to get started. You will be able to meet with a qualified surgeon who will closely examine your face. After considering your health needs, he will use his artistic eye to help you decide on the right chin implant for your particular needs.

We invite you to bring along photographs of individuals who have a chin that you think is attractive. We will be happy to show you before and after photographs of individuals who we have done chin implants on. Working together, we will find just the right thing for you. The main focus is bringing overall harmony to your face. We will closely examine your other facial features and make sure that any work we do is going to be the best for your entire look.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to improve your appearance. If you feel like you have a weak jaw or like there is some other problem with your chin and jaw area, we will be happy to explain how you can improve your overall appearance with chin implants and other cosmetic treatments that we have available at  in . Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Finally Feel Your Best with Cosmetic Surgery in Columbus

You’re so tired of being unhappy with yourself. You have done everything that you can do on your own to make the most of your body and your features, but you are still disappointed. You don’t like who you see when you look in the mirror. It’s hard to have confidence in yourself when you are so discouraged by your appearance. The most important thing you need to know is that there is help available for you. You can have a personal transformation that will allow you to be the person that you believe you can be. It all begins with cosmetic surgery in Columbus.

Why Take the Leap with Cosmetic Surgery?

While it is true that most cosmetic surgery procedures are voluntary, that doesn’t make them any less important than surgery that is required for someone’s well-being. When you choose to have cosmetic surgery, you are giving your emotional well-being a boost. You are taking the opportunity to change something about your face or body that is bothering you. You can’t imagine how liberating it can feel to get rid of that problem area that has been bothering you for so long. Our cosmetic surgeon in Columbus will be your guide.

Make the Most Out of Your Features

You can be conscientious in your efforts to improve your appearance. Diet changes, physical fitness, new cosmetics, and a change in your style can improve the way you look. However, it can’t change basic features. Your hard work may not always result in the outcome that you would like to see. If there is something that needs to be changed and it’s out of your hands, place yourself in the skilled hands of our cosmetic surgeon in Columbus.

Set Up Your First Visit Today

There is no time like the present to get started with cosmetic surgery in Columbus. Make an appointment at  in to learn about your options. Our plastic surgeon will sit down to discuss your concerns and goals for your appearance. This is your chance to open the door to the exciting world of cosmetic surgery as you explore your alternatives. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and get started!

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